What time is Maghrib QAZA? Sunrise - 6:10 AM. Dhuhr - 12:11 PM. Asr - 3:37 PM. Maghrib -6:12 PM. What does Salat mean? Salat, also spelled salah, Arabic ṣalāt,the daily ritual prayer enjoined upon all Muslimsas one of the five Pillars of Islam (arkān al-Islām). There...
What does CE mean on the Muslim calendar? What date was February 25, 1870 in the Islamic calendar? How many days are there in the Islamic calendar? How does the Islamic calendar get its months? What countries use the Muslim calendar? Which month of the Hijri calendar is Ramadan? What are...
Not to infringe on material and immaterial rights of people is included in the definition of good deed. At first sight, this definition may be assumed to mean taqwâ but when it is considered that there is a strong relation between taqwâ and good deeds, it is understood that this defi...
We have not been able to find a narration like the one in the question. The following narration may mean the same thing. “If a person sleeps after the afternoon prayer and becomes absent-minded, he should blame himself.” (Kanzul-Ummal, h. No. 41362) It