“Complex” is a word often used by wine professionals to describe wines with power, which is to say, wines with robust flavors and textures, and, oftentimes, a high-alcohol content. But what, exactly, does a complex wine taste like? Is wine that lacks complexity inherently worse? Of all...
For those starting their wine journey or with small collections, the under $400 category provides basic temperature control to prevent premature aging or spoilage. These models are compact and budget-friendly, fitting well into tight spaces like apartments or kitchen counters. Some may include LED...
Because of these factors, I find myself avoiding the terms “sweet” or “residual sugar” if there’s any chance of confusion. I like to use the term “richness,” which implies the perception of sugar with less negative connotation. As far as what to call the category, you ...
Why would a still white wine, such as a Chardonnay, when poured into the glass, have little bubbles on the bottom, and have a slightly effervescent taste? —Deborah, Boca Raton, Fla. Dear Deborah, There are a few scenarios that I can think of here, and in all of them, the ...
Today we pause the contest for a short post that while, yes, does have some grandmothering in it, also is about my daughter. So I’m sort of breaking my rules, but since I told my daughter I wanted to write it, and she is expecting it, here it is. Before she became a mother ...
Oak:Oak aging not only increases oxygen interaction in the wine but, when barrels are new and toasted (“toasting” is essentially torching and caramelizing the inside of the barrel to create flavors), they add flavors too. The flavors created include vanilla, clove, smoke, sweet tobacco and...
) Like an oaf; simple. Oak (n.) Any tree or shrub of the genus Quercus. The oaks have alternate leaves, often variously lobed, and staminate flowers in catkins. The fruit is a smooth nut, called an acorn, which is more or less inclosed in a scaly involucre called the cup or ...
Yes, taste preferences can change due to factors like aging, health changes, and exposure to different cuisines. 9 How are tests designed to be objective? Tests are designed with clear criteria and standardized procedures to minimize subjectivity. 8 Can taste be scientifically measured? Taste can ...
Just because a given food might have more of them does not automatically mean it’s a problem. This is because there are thousands of different types in your diet, and their effects on the human body can vary greatly from lethal poisoning like ricin to having no effect at all. ...
What does it mean to live in a world with many tandem friendly roads, but guarantees nothing? Every ride is a chance to either beat the odds and have a problem-free experience, or to fall victim to an unseen road hazard that strands you on a ride in the middle of nowhere with a ...