What does atrial fibrillation look like on an ECG? How does dilated cardiomyopathy happen? What are consequences of having a low cardiac output? How does cardiomyopathy affect the circulatory system? If our hearts stop, we will be dead. What happens during a heart transplant? Explain. ...
You also get the ECG and or abnormally high or abnormally low HR alerts if needed. Reply tfk, the5krunner September 19, 2023 at 5:28 am #69 try enabling afib history, answer yes to the questions this forces the watch to record hrv relatively frequently (and hr as well). hrv ...
In addition to your heart rate, the Apple Watch can also measure your heart's rhythm. In particular, it checks foratrial fibrillation (AFib), which is when the upper chambers of your heart beat irregularly. It can be a serious medical condition or a symptom of one. The Apple Watch can ...