C What is adolescence (青春期)? When does it start? It starts when you are aged between about ten and thirteen. Here are some changes about you during adolescence. You may not want to spend as much time with your parents as you used to. You want to do more things on your own. I...
Well, don’t knock this till you’ve tried it. You’re writing along, and you’ve come to the place where your villain needs to act in some evil way. Your virtual online writingcoachhas urged you to be sure he haspropermotivation. What does this mean? He can’t be bad, do bad, ...
Teacher assessment literacy development does not only mean an increased assessment knowledge, but it also needs to expand and broaden contextual-related knowledge and inter-related competencies. In line with teacher professionalization in assessment, it requires a consideration of many inter-related ...
What Does Puberty Mean to Adolescents? Teaching and learning about bodily developmentPuberty and adolescence often are presented to school pupils in ways that can exacerbate individual and social problems. Puberty commonly is defined biologically as reproductive maturation, but this far from exhausts the...
C What is adolescence (青春期)? When does it start? It starts when you are aged between about ten and thirteen. Here are some changes about you during adolescence. You may not want to spend as much time with your parents as you used to. You want to do more things on your own. I...
In this smart novel, the conflict of adolescence unfolds in the conflicted Uganda of the 1970s, then under the rule of dictator Idi Amin. Raised by her paternal grandparents in the village of Nattetta, 13-year-old Kirabo has a question she can ignore no longer: Who is my mother? For ...
What does that mean, let alone prove? For the rest, she relies on bald assertion. My “style” scares people. How does it do that? She gives no explanation. I maliciously pick people to pieces in a deliberate attempt to make them feel afraid, and what’s more, I’ve turned a deaf...
The failure of 'adult' interventions with adolescent depression: what does it mean for theory, research and practice? The literature on the biological and phenomenologic presentation of major depressive disorder (MDD) in adolescents is reviewed and compared with that of depressed adults. Biological an...
From an anthropological perspective, what does it mean to be human? What is a holistic point of view? How does 1) nature and 2) nurture influence physical development at each stage in the lifespan (prenatal, infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood? What is a media culture? What is...
Latent profile analysis was performed to estimate and decide the number of profiles. This approach does not rely on random values (e.g. a standard deviation above the mean) but on the fit of models with a different number of profiles. To decide the number of profiles, we attended both the...