Biblically, however, the object of faith is not the divine offer but the Person of Jesus Christ. Faith in Him is what saves, not just believing His promises or accepting facts about Him. Saving faith has to be more than accepting facts. Even demons have that kind of faith (James 2...
So, what do angels really look like? What is a biblically accurate description of an angel? Will we know when we see one? The answer to this actually entirely depends on what form they take. Angels, being spiritual beings, can take on different forms. As we see in Scripture, angels ...
What does Isabella mean biblically? Meaning of the name Isabella Derived from the name Isabel, a biblical name from the Hebrew Elisheva, meaning 'God is perfection'or 'God is my oath'. ... The element meaning 'god,' 'el,' has been adpated to 'belle' or 'bella,' meaning 'beautiful...
And yet, despite the show, the truth of the matter is that witches are known biblically as evil, as those who don’t give glory to God but rather give glory to some unknown Power out there. Witches don’t mention God or achieve anything through Him, and they don’t give glory to Hi...
Or, again, does the Bible seem to prohibit marriage, and particularly slave-ee intermarriage, for female slaves? I shall argue, first, that the two terms as used biblically are synonyms. The most likely reason, in my opinion, for the presence of two terms is that each has a ...
God’s love does not take into account a wrong after it’s been dealt with biblically—covered. That should be our attitude as well. Jesus warned about stumbling blocks in our relationships. As we bump into brothers and sisters in the family of faith, we will not always be loveable. We...
Rather than embracing the vexed concept of “double repentance,” Christians should rally around the much more biblically defined concept of the “double cure”: Rock of Ages, cleft for me Let me hide myself in thee; Let the water and the blood, ...
Jesus gives another clue which clearly uses days as symbolic with 1000 year periods.6 days after his resurrectionHe tells his disciples that His ‘perfection’ will be ‘in the third day.’ Luke 13:32. Does this not also imply just as Hosea does that his millennial reign (1000 years) wil...
f. We believe that this view is the one that is most biblically based of all. InRomans 11:17-27, the apostle Paul used the analogy of an olive tree to illustrate this. Let me summarise what he wrote: The Covenant is represented by an olive tree. The Israelites are the natural branche...
andwellas"in." Arminius'beliefinthepossibilityofamanlosinghissalvationwasnotonlybasedonhisphilosophicalbeliefaboutman'sfreewill.HealsobelievedthattheBibletaughtthenonsecurist. HisfollowerspublishedaRemonstranceexplaininghisviews,afterhisdeathin1610AD. HistheologicalviewsstronglyinfluencedthedoctrinesofMethodists. ...