What does aconite taste like? The taste isbitterish and acrid, and gives the well-known characteristic tingling sensation of aconite. They have but little, if any, odor. What is aconite 30c? Aconite, Aconitum Napellus, isa remedy used for acute complaints, which come on suddenly and with ...
Do honeybees like snowdrops? Also loved bybees, large swathes of crocus come alive with the sound of urgent buzzing on sunny spring days. ... Other bee-friendly bulbs to plant now include grape hyacinths, winter aconites and snowdrops (although winter aconites and snowdrops are more suc...
The winter aconite lives amongst my vinca,. They are tiny, tiny bulbs that self-seed, which is great since they don’t go crazy with naturalizing and even if you get more than you want, they will brown out and disappear when the show is over. I’m actually hoping for them to move ...
Snowdrops can be mixed with other early blooming bulbous beauties such as Glory-of-the-snow (Chionodoxa), Winter aconite (Eranthis hyemalis), and Crocus (Crocus spp.). Snowdrops prefer full sun (at least 6 or more hours of direct sunlight daily). Grow snowdrops in a loose, well-...
‘La Voisin’, who sold a mixture of arsenic, belladonna, aconite, and opium to French noblewomen who wanted to off their terrible husbands. La Voisin was at the center of a whole tribunal set up by King Louis the XIV who was like, “Okay, this poisoning stuff has gone TOO FAR. We...
I like the mandrake because of its direct connection to humankind, and have grown them for many years. The foxglove enchants me and I love its flowers. Aconite is another plant that I love for its potent energy that it emanates – it is quite mystical. What is growing in your garden ...