However, the use of ''acabar'' has a different meaning when the preposition ''de'' accompanies it. This lesson teaches the difference and uses of both verbs. Related to this QuestionWhat does todavia mean in Spanish? What does empezar mean in Spanish? What does hacer mean in Spanish?
Water mist is sprayed on Muslim pilgrims as they walk towards the rocky hill known as the Mountain of Mercy, on the Plain of Arafat, during the annual Hajj pilgrimage, near the holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Tuesday, June 27, 2023. Around two million pilgrims are converging on Saudi...
syn: give, confer, grant, present mean that something concrete or abstract is bestowed on one person by another. give is the general word: to give someone a book. confer usu. means to give as an honor or as a favor; it implies courteous and gracious giving: to confer a medal. grant...