What Does Protected View Do? Protected View’s primary purpose is to keep your computer safe andprevent malwarefrom sneaking into your computer. Hackers often use specially crafted files to inject malware into your system. When Office detects the file you’re trying to open looks suspicious, it ...
Well, the idea of encryption is pretty straightforward: It turns data into something that cannot be read. But what doesend-to-endmean? What are its pros and cons? Without getting into the underlying math and technical terms, we’ll explain it as simply as we can. ...
What does [Not Scored] mean? Actions labeled as [Not Scored] are ones you can perform in your organization but aren't scored. So, you can still improve your security, but you aren't given credit for those actions right now. My score changed. How do I figure out why?
A 401 status code error occurs when authentication is required but has either not been provided or is invalid. This typically happens when a user tries to access a restricted page or API endpoint without the proper credentials. Common causes include incorrect login details, expired session tokens,...
This means Edge software should employ the latest in cyber security approaches. Make sure that your vendor ensures that Edge devices are protected by inquiring about the techniques used to protect devices. Consider a cyber security threat model first, and then every component should be implemented ...
What does Current Pending Sector Count mean? Current Pending Sector Count is a S.M.A.R.T parameter that shows the current count of the unstable sectors on your disk which should be remapped. What are pending sectors? Pending sectors are the precursor to reallocated sectors that is a indicat...
Disk percentage usage through a command line disk queue depth vs disk queue length Disk Response Time (ms) from Resource Monitor Disk Space missing Disk transfers sec diskpart has encountered an error the media is write protected Diskpart not executing script Diskpart service could not complete ...
continuous service at the peak expected performance level. Disk reliability depends on the disks installed in the NAS; high-quality SAS disks can offer excellent error-correction and enormous mean time between failure figures, but all disk choices should include a replacement plan. Finally, the NAS...
That means money deposited into a safe harbor 401(k) plan is an employee's to keep, no matter what. On the employer side, having a safe harbor 401(k) could mean increased payroll costs, but it could also mean lower administrative costs. “The administrative hassle it saves is ...
Figuring out what to do with your companypensionwhen you retire can be a bit more complicated than making a plan for your employer-sponsored401(k) plan. With a company or government pension plan, your choices can range from many to none. "Every pension plan is a little bit differe...