Vitamin D Deficiency: What Is All the Fuss About?TOKACHLISAEBSCO_AspNational Hog Farmer
Severe liver disease, which usually is also associated with malabsorption, can cause a decrease in 25-D formation as a result of insufficient enzyme activity. Because of the large reserve of 25-hydroxlase activity in the liver, vitamin D deficiency caused by liver disease usually requires a ...
Vitamin D Deficiency About 4 out of 10 people don’t get enough vitamin D. If yours is low, you might not eat enough foods with it. Or you might have a health condition that stops you from absorbing it. Or you might just need more sunlight. ...
According to the National Institutes of Health, vitamin C deficiency is rare in the United States and Canada. People who consume under 10 mg per day can develop scurvy. Written about as early as 1500 BC and described by Aristotle, scurvy was once a huge problem and widespread illness for ...
RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook DEFN (redirected fromdeficiency) Dictionary Thesaurus Medical Legal Financial Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to deficiency:Deficiency diseases,Deficiency judgment,Iron deficiency ...
Age.As you age, your kidneys are less able to convert vitamin D to its active form, calcitriol, which can lead to a deficiency. Digestive Issues.Problems in the digestive tract can cause inadequate absorption of vitamin D. Obesity(Body Mass Index greater than 30).Vitamin D is extracted from...
Does low vitamin D cause weight gain? A vitamin D deficiency is unlikely to cause weight gain. However, it may cause other health problems or unpleasant symptoms, which are worth avoiding. You can maintain adequate vitamin D levels through a combination of limited sun exposure, a vitamin-D-ri...
男,55岁,1周前体检胸部CT检查发现右下肺 1×1.5cm大小结节,余肺野清晰。全身PETCT检查:右下肺结节异常代谢性增高,原发肺恶性肿瘤首先考虑;全身骨无异常,肝、脾、肾、肾上腺、脑等实质性器官均无异常。心肺功能评估正常。下一步治疗应选择:( )。
I have been told that I have a vitamin D deficiency and should take more vitamin D and at the same time have high potassium levels and told to cut back on leafy vegetables, certain fruit, spinach, and milk (all good sources of vitamin D). It does not make sense to me. What can c...
What skin disorder might be found in a person who is elderly, debilitated, or paralyzed? What is the name for an enlargement of the prostate that surrounds the neck of the bladder in adult men which may cause voiding difficulty? a. Dystrophy b. Eutrophy c. Hyperplasia d. Hypoplasia e. ...