Related to vicar-general:Episcopal Vicars Category filter: AcronymDefinition VGVery Good VGVideo Game VGVerwaltungsgericht(German: Administrative Court) VGVerdens Gang VGVirgin Islands (British)(ISO country code, top level domain) VGVector Graphics ...
Vicar General: The Very Reverend (Full Name), V.G.; The Reverend (Full Name), V.G.; Father (Surname). Judicial Vicar, Ecclesiastical Judge, Episcopal Vicar, Vicar Forane, Dean, Provincial Superior, or Rector: The Very Reverend (Full Name); Father (Surname). What is the job of a rev...
What are the criteria that contribute to determine a speech community? What role do property in general and private property play in basic human social relations? What are the differences between Carmelites and Franciscans? What's the difference between Hispanic and Latino?
“ordinaries”. For example, a Vicar General is an Ordinary. I’ve consulted with various expert exorcists and have come to understand that XI.3 can be usedprivatelyby priests, but if they are going to do something public, they have to have the authority from the O...
everything is developed in a single series, almost in one breath. It might be said that the orator has here acted like the nature of which Buffon speaks, that “he has worked on an eternal plan from which he has nowhere departed,” so deeply does he seem to have entered into the fami...
Business Why do Americans Sell Soda by the Liter but Milk by the Gallon? Home Improvement How to Read a Ruler Forces of Nature Why Does the U.S. Use Fahrenheit Instead of Celsius? Home Improvement How to Use a Tape Measure: Practical Tips You May Like How can you measure the height...
To return to an earlier time or stage in a sequence of events. Reverse The back or rear part The reverse of the flyer. Rewind The act or process of rewinding or being rewound. Reverse The side of a coin or medal that does not carry the principal design; the verso. Rewind A control ...
I assisted the ailing vicar in the exercise of his parish duties. Sport (obsolete) Mockery, making fun; derision. Exercise (obsolete) That which gives practice; a trial; a test. Sport (countable) A toy; a plaything; an object of mockery. Exercise To exert for the sake of training or ...
What do you wear when you go to the dentist as a patient? What do your patients wear to come to see you and what does that say about your practice? asksStephen Hancocks. A popular tagline to health education campaigns and indeed for healthy eating in general reads, ‘you are what you...
Dr Ian Randall has had a long interest in questions around spirituality, evangelical identity, and revival. He has just published a fascinating Grove booklet on Revival: learning from history in the Spirituality series. I was able to ask him about the bo