Snapchat has a couple of fun features to help you remind and encourage your friends to reply promptly with a photo or video snap so you keep your snapstreaks going. They include: Snapstreak filters:Double-tap on a friend's name in your conversations tab, take a photo or video snap, and...
SnapChat is an app that is very popular among young people. The app allows users to send photos and videos to their contacts and create ‘lines’. But what does that mean? There is no single doubt about the fact that Instagram likes are pretty great, those hearts on Messages are fine, ...
FYI, the longest streak is going to be tough to beat. Oh, and while you're on the app, be sure to check out Seventeen's Snapchat Discover page 😘. SnapchatRelated Story What Does MK Mean in Texts? Stacey Grant Senior Editor Stacey Grant is a senior editor at Seventeen who runs ...
What is a Snapstreak? How do I add friends on Snapchat? What are Snap Maps? What are Snapchat Stories? Final Thoughts Related posts you might like: What Does “WRD” Mean On Snapchat? Understanding “WRD” The abbreviation “WRD” is frequently seen on Snapchat and other social media ...
What does pending mean on Snapchat? If you don’t know what pending means on snapchat, this post will give you the answer and tell you how to deal with Snapchat pending messages.
What is a streak? Streaks count how many consecutive days two people have been sending Snaps to each other. Every day they send a Snap their streak gets longer. How do you know if you have a streak? A streak is shown next to a contact’s name on the Snapchat app. A streak is sym...
“Replayed your snap” means that someone opened your snap one more time. NOTE: In some cases, this can be because they have deactivated their Snapchat account.
What Does The Number Next To The Fire Emoji Mean?That's the number of days you've been on said "snapstreak." It references actual snaps, though, not "chats," so if you use Snapchat as you would Facebook Messenger or AIM back in the day, your snapstreak number w...
What does WYO, WYS, WYD & WYA Mean on Snapchat? FT me | What Does FT Mean on Snapchat? How Long Does the Snapchat Streak Timer Last Conclusion While the use of ION in text is a recent practice, abbreviations in lingos in general are not. With the introduction of texting as far ba...