What does a migraine headache feel like compared to a tension headache? Learn to spot migraine symptoms early, how to identify your triggers, and get more information on migraine headache medications and treatments. Learn to tell migraine from other types of headaches. Should I Go to the ER ...
You have a headache, are forgetful or confused, or have trouble speaking. You have a headache, stiff neck, and a fever. When should I call my doctor? You have a constant headache and are vomiting. You have a headache each day that does not get better, even after treatment. ...
I have problems with allergies all year, so it is hard for me to tell if I have a chronic sinus headache or a migraine. Both are so painful that I can barely function while having them. I have pain behind my eyes and in my forehead. I know I have sinuses in both spots, but can...
If you have a fever with a cough or shortness of breath and think you might have come into contact with someone who has COVID-19, call your doctor to talk about the next steps. Always call your doctor if you have any kind of fever along with a severe headache, a stiff neck, throat...
What does a fever feel like?When you have a fever, you may feel hot inside and out. You may also feel chilly and cold and have aches all over. What does fever mean?A fever means that your body temperature is higher than usual. ...
I have sinusitis for the first time in my life and I hate it. My allergies brought it on. My sinuses are stuffed right now. It's giving me a headache and I can't breathe. I am taking an allergy medication which helps a little bit but I need my sinuses to drain. Are there any...
Once the virus enters the body, it usually settles in the cells that line your nose, sinus cavity, and throat. For most people, this is where it stays. Symptoms often follow, but you may not feel anything for up to 2 weeks, as the virus starts to invade healthy cells and reproduce....
Headache and face pain that is worse when you lean forward Tooth pain, or pain when you chew How is sinusitis diagnosed? Your healthcare provider will examine you and ask about your symptoms. He or she may check inside your nose using a nasal speculum. You may need any of the following...
What does a pituitary tumor headache feel like? Headache pain in these situations is typically characterized by steady, bifrontal or unilateral frontal aching (ipsilateral to tumor). In some instances, pain is localized in the midface (either because of involvement of the second division of the ...
What does a barometric pressure headache feel like? Feels like:An intense, throbbing pain, often one side of the head. The pain is often accompanied by symptoms like nausea, vomiting, sound and light sensitivity, and auras. Auras are changes in vision, speech, and other sensations. They occu...