In this covenant, God promises to make Abraham a great nation (Israel), give him the Promised Land, and make Abraham’s name great. God does all of these things. Learn More about the Abrahamic Covenant Here. Davidic Covenant Third, God makes a covenant between Himself and King David. ...
as the Bible tells us that we are saved by grace through our“faith”in Jesus. So God has no other alternative but to give each person a certain measure of faith, otherwise we would never be able to get saved through His Son Jesus. ...
Is Wicca a real religion? Who created Wicca? Is Wicca a new age religion? What does the Bible say about Santeria? What is the difference between Pagan and Wiccan? Where is Wicca practiced? What is Samhain Wicca? What does 'as above so below' mean in Wicca?
For those of you who are really wanting to know what the Lord may think about this issue, I would challenge each and everyone of you to go before Him in prayer and ask for His direct opinion on this matter. I know there is a bit of a rift in the Body on this issue right now. ...
Verses that Illustrate how the Bible does not Support the Concept of Karma Introduction to Isaiah 40:7-12 In Isaiah 40:1-11 we read how the Lord God of Israel wants to deliver His people. The Lord does not give up on us because of repeated sinning, but is always calling us back...
What does the parable in Matthew 25 mean? What is the moral of The Lost Sheep? What does the Parable of the Growing Seed mean? What is the meaning of The Parable of the Sower? What does the Parable of the Tenants mean? What does the Parable of the Wineskins mean?
The function of your body that processes the food you eat, distributes it around your body as needed, and does its best to dump the leftover toxins.That makes it a major area of your daily life that dramatically affects your prevention – and ultimately your survival – of cancer. The ...
The human heart is like receptive soil to the seed of the Word of God. Jesus used this analogy in the Parable of the Sower. The soil that the seed fell on represents four categories of hearers' hearts, four different reactions to the Word of God: the hard heart, the shallow heart, ...
Many of your loved ones are right now in hell! But don't be alarmed. You probably have never heard the TRUTH about what "hell" really is — and where most ideas on the subject came from. Just what does the Bible teach about "hell"?
What you sow in tears shall reap? They that sow in tearsshall reap in joy. He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him. What does it mean to sow the wind and reap the whirlwind?