《This Is What You Came For》是英国音乐制作人加尔文·哈里斯和巴巴多斯女歌手蕾哈娜合作的一首歌曲,歌词、曲谱由加尔文·哈里斯、泰勒·斯威夫特共同创作 [1],单曲于2016年4月29日通过索尼音乐娱乐公司发行 [2]。2016年7月1日,该歌曲MV获得由MTV音乐录影带奖颁发的“
(Full EP, 2013) 20:53 珍宝|【美国骨干级地下Emo/实验/后硬核】Indian Summer - Live At The Blue Universe 54:52 珍宝|【美国顶级Emo/Indie Rock】Mineral - Soundlikesunday 05:21 珍宝|【美国神级Emo/后摇】Foxing - The Medic (Official Video) 03:25 珍宝|【美国Emo回潮泰坦】Algernon Cadwallader -...
sound like a train coming at you.In fact,the winds from a tornado can pick up a train and throw it around.If a tornado is seen in your area,it is very important that you protect yourself.A basement (地下室) is the safest place to go.Try to wait under a table in the...
— What does space sound like? Explore the sounds of Netflix's 'Away' — Space roar: NASA detected the loudest sound in the universe, but what is it? — Earth's Magnetic Field Booms Like a Drum, But No One Can Hear It One of the best known examples came from the European Space ...
sound like a train coming at you.In fact,the winds from a tornado can pick up a train and throw it around.If a tornado is seen in your area,it is very important that you protect yourself.A basement (地下室) is the safest place to go.Try to wait under a table in ...
61 What Animals Do You See 13502:00 62 Will We See Animals 6402:01 63 In the Lake 6001:40 64 Things Change 20900:59 65 Animal Babies 25501:39 66 Animal Helpers 24904:57主播信息 听友43006589 654 加关注 1311 Saloon (练习册) 1517 Rocket(练习册) 1672 Airplan(练习册) ...
A.Peaceful. B.Hard. C.Boring. D.Colorful. ( )2.WhatcanweknowabouttheteachermentionedinParagraph2? A.ShewasafriendofESVM?s. B.SheboughtESVM?sshortpoetrycollectiontotheauthor. C.Shelookedliketheauthor?smother. 30分钟能力强化组合练(十五) 第58页 58 D.Shecaredabouttheauthor. ( )3.Howdoesthe...
sound like a train coming at you.In fact,the winds from a tornado can pick up a train and throw it around.If a tornado is seen in your area,it is very important that you protect yourself.A basement (地下室) is the safest place to go.Try to wait under a table in t...
(build)arocket! Irememberthathelet mepoursomefuelintothe rocket,andthenanotherstudentlit48. matchtosetitoff.Itwasgreatfun. Iknow thatI wasn?ta49. (will) student,butIwasn?tslowtolearnnewthings.The problem wasthatIlacked50. (confident)in myself.Mr.JenkinsmademefeelthatIhadmyown strengths. ...
It probably took her a西,也许是(拿)她minute, but to me she moved like a rocket ! I pushed的手帕,她显然没看the lever further. Night came as if a lamp" was being见我。 她可能花了一turned out, and in another moment came the day. 2分钟的时间,但对我Tomorrow night came, then skipped...