Pelicans and puffins are essentially the same - when it comes to crossings, that is. ... The main difference between pelican and puffin crossings is thata puffin crossing doesn't have a flashing green man for pedestrians or a flashing amber light for drivers. How does a puffin crossing work?
Another indicator was a large puffin statue on the right before the turn as well as one on the turn itself, both advertising tours. 1. Seljalandsfoss A lot of birds were circling the cliffs at these falls. The stop includes a little café, restrooms, and – oh, yeah – a parking meter...
Apparently, there are some 40,000 breeding pairs of puffins on Puffin island. Ramsey used also to be full of them, but shipping run aground in the dangerous waters of the Sound, had brought rats to the island which had eaten all the eggs, and presumably the pufflings (my new favourite ...