A prostate exam is a test that checks for early signs of prostate cancer. It doesn't reveal cancer, but if the test shows an abnormal result, your doctor will likely need to take a small sample of tissue from your prostate gland (biopsy) for further testing. There are two parts to a...
An elevated PSA does not necessarily indicate prostate cancer. It can mean other conditions are present. Do not rush into a conventional prostate biopsy because multiparametric MRI can reveal whether or not there is a prostate cancer tumor. If so, a real-time MRI guided, targeted biopsy gives ...
As the word benign suggests, BPH does not indicate severe diseases like cancer or other malignancies. However, it can cause some discomfort, as we will explain below. Figure 1: Enlarged prostate. What are the symptoms of BPH? Enlarged prostate symptoms can be subtle and as a result, remain...
Treadmill exercise stress test. ECG is a painless test that measures the electrical activity of the heart. It can reveal several different heart problems, including ischemia, heart attacks, rhythm disorders, long-standing strain on the heart from high blood pressure, and certain valve problems. It...
a. If a person's urine showed positive glucose, is this normal? b. Explain what could be the cause of excess glucose. c. Could he be diabetic? What does ELISA stand for? What is the test used for? What are 3 important positive...
What Does This Mean for You? If admissions officers are judging you so heavily by your SAT/ACT score, you want to get a score that will meet their standards.As I mentioned earlier, colleges are hoping to admit students who are in or above their SAT/ACT score range (or at or above th...
An electrocardiogram (ECG) may reveal toxicity. Sometimes a person is unconscious for no obvious reason. A CT scan of the brain will help tell if there has been a structural change in the brain, such as a stroke. What Is the Treatment for Poisoning? Poisoning can occur from a variety of...
Remember that rankings are subjective, but they can reveal how colleges are viewed by employers, graduate schools, and the general public.Even though Harvard and Cornell are both incredibly prestigious schools where you can receive a world-class education and become part of a successful alumni netwo...
Blood tests reveal details about these Blood cells and, Blood compounds, salts and proteins The liquid portion of the tested Blood is plasma. When our Blood clots outside the body, the Blood cells and some of the proteins in Blood turn into a solid. The remaining liquid is called serum, ...
To provide a correct response to frames A and D, a mental rotation operation is not required, whereas to respond correctly to frames B and C does require mental rotation. Performances were evaluated by counting the correct responses in each session. 2.4. Statistical Analysis A preliminary analysis...