During a speculum exam, the patient normally lies on her back on an examining table, with her knees bent. Her feet may be placed into metal stirrups attached to the table, or she may place her feet directly on the table. The physician inserts the pelvic speculum into the vagina while th...
A self-exam isn’t as in-depth as a pelvic exam done by your gynecologist. You should still get routine pelvic exams to check for ovarian cysts, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), uterine fibroids, early-stage cancer, and other signs of health problems. But a self-exam may help you f...
The plug may also be dislodged byhaving sex,lightening(when your baby's head drops into your pelvis), or during a pelvic exam in your provider's office. If your mucus plug comes out but labor doesn't start, your body will replace it with more mucus. At some point after you lose your...
What If My Partner Isn't Into My Sexual Fantasy? 'Why Do I Always Go For Dominant Partners?' Can I Have Sex After An Abnormal Pap Smear? '4 Things I Wish I Had Known When I Got Herpes' Why The Heck Do I Have Such A Low Libido?
A pelvic exam or genital exam is done to check for signs of an STI. Your provider will also look for tears in your skin, unusual discharge, lumps, and warts. A chest x-ray is done to look for signs of infection, or any other cause of your symptoms. A CT scan may be used to lo...
A Pap smear is done during a pelvic exam to check for abnormal cells in the cervix. Cells are collected and tested for cancer or HPV. A colposcopy is a procedure used to look more closely at your cervix and vagina. Your healthcare provider will use a small scope with a light. A ...
What you and your doctor can learn from a pelvic examDiscusses the importance of an annual pelvic exam. Lists the medical conditions the exam can and cannot indicate.Young, StephanieGlamour
How Does an Epidural Work? An epidural works by delivering anesthetic medication into the epidural space, a fluid-filled area around your spine. This space acts like a cushion and the anesthetic blocks pain signals from traveling through the spinal cord to your brain in a specific region of yo...
Many young patients have questions about Pap smears and pelvic exams. Here’s what to expect, why an OB/GYN visit is important and how often you should have one. Is a pelvic exam the same as a Pap smear? No, a pelvic exam is not the same thing as a Pap smear. They commonly occur...
You have severe pain that does not go away after you take pain medicine. When should I contact my healthcare provider? Your symptoms return after treatment. You have heavy or unusual vaginal bleeding. You see blood in your urine or bowel movement. ...