Turkey is an example of a Muslim country that doesn’t use the Arabic script at all. 0 Ugra 4 years ago Reply to Kabir If there are ten points of parity between two groups and just one point of difference, pointing out the lone outlier isn’t any sort of evidence. Ashkenazi Jew...
I am no more than an ordinary man who has been spending life as if knowing nothing. I was born in a wealthy Muslim family in Pakistan, but when I was a few months old, I was carried to Saudi Arabia by my father. When I was about six, my mom passed away. As I grew older I h...
Feb 15, 2025 ~ 'A Halfway Sensible Column on Drug Abuse and Progressive Permissiveness' "As a good liberal, I used to oppose arresting people for using drugs. They need health care, not handcuffs, I thought. But then to my surprise and dismay, I found myself praying that my old pal ...
It is rare for leaders to openly say their interpretation may be wrong while stating their views. I admit that is slightly awkward, thus why I recommend we avoid claiming inspiration all-together. Simply share for discussion what you believe a loving God is like according to your interpretation...
So that’s what I would say in regards to non-Catholics When it comes to, I would encourage you to not fall into despair every time a bishop or the Pope says or does something dumb. When Napoleon Bonaparte threatened to destroy the Catholic church, Cardinal Ole Salve is alleged to have...
As a matter of fact, the worship of a person whose intention is not good will not be sincere; therefore, it will not be accepted in the eye of Allah. Therefore, the cleanliness of the heart and the body must be combined in a Muslim; it should be known that if both of them are ...
Known as the "bracelets of sincerity and wisdom" - are presented to the King by Lord Kamall, a British-born Muslim. The King acknowledges them. The archbishop will say: "Receive the bracelets of sincerity and wisdom, tokens of God's protection embracing you on every sid...
in theQur'an but it is highlighted in the Sunnah (the Prophet Muhammad's recorded words and actions). In the Sunnah, Muhammad stated that circumcision was a "law for men." The main reason given for the ritual is cleanliness. It is essential that every Muslim washes before praying. ...
In the real world I don’t see much evidence of this a so rich Muslim Gulf Arab country like Saudi that is based on Sharia law is very regressive compared to a rich Muslim Gulf Arab country like UAE whose legal system is based on civil law. Personally I think Islam has very ...
Also, what does the Noble Quransay aboutthe Bible's Law? The sections of this article are: 1- Which Book is the people of the Book's? 2-Quran declares: There is nothing called"Bible". 3- Does the Quran say conclusively the bible was corrupted?