Common Blood Tests And What They Mean The following are the common blood tests and what they mean: Full Blood Count (FBC) or Complete Blood Count (CBC) This is a blood test to check your blood count. This is perhaps one of the most commonly-used blood tests in the world. ...
An SGPT test is done to see if the liver is diseased or damaged1. Although there is normally a low level of GPT in the bloodstream, it will greatly increase in the presence of certain diseases, such as cirrhosis and hepatitis.The use of certain medications, such as statins to lower chole...
Hi sir Creatinine 1.08 mg Creatinine 1.10mg What does this mean normal range is till 1.5 mg Creatinine 1.08 1.10 means it's under 1 or above one or above 1.5 Plz clear my doubt Asked for Male, 27 Years 508 Views Dr. Anvesh Parmar Nephrologist/Renal Specialist | Gwalior 1.08 means ...
Two types of liver enzymes are most commonly found: alanine transaminase and aspartate transaminase .ALT is an enzyme found primarily in the liver that helps your body metabolize protein. ALT levels in the blood are normally low. Levels increase when the liver is damaged and ALT is released int...
If all values except LDH are within expected ranges, it is probably a processing error and does not require further evaluation. Bilirubin is a pigment removed from the blood by the liver. Low values are of no concern. If slightly elevated above the expected ranges, but with all other ...
[Philosophy] - What Does It Mean To Say That Logic Is Formal (J.G. Macfarland) (PhD Thesis, Pittsburg 2000) 热度: 湘少版五年级英语上册课件 unit10 What does that sign mean(湘少版) 热度: 相关推荐 WhatDoesMyBloodTestMean CBCwithDifferential Thismeansthatyourdoctorwantstoknowtheamountsand...
[+ or -] 6.12 232.1 [+ or -] 6.89 (ns) Liver Experimental Enzymes (IU/L) 05 Days p-value (n = 6) (ANOVA) SGPT 82.8 [+ or -] 2.92 *** <0.0001 SGOT 189.67 [+ or -] 14.38 *** <0.0005 ALKP 446.3 [+ or -] 25.53 *** <0.0001 Values are expressed as Mean [+ or -] ...