What would a high WBC count indicate? Blood: Blood is a type of connective tissue that is fluid in nature but is comprised of both solid and liquid components. The liquid component includes the plasma, and the solid components are red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets among othe...
What does a high eosinophil count indicate? Can viral infection cause a low platelet count? Why does splenectomy cause increased platelets? What are the white blood cells in the immune system? What is a high neutrophil count? What does high lymphocytes and monocytes mean?
There, basic fertility tests are usually performed for both the man and the woman, since there may be a problem in either of the two members of the couple or even in both. I recommend that you talk to the professionals who performed the fertility test so that they can perform a semen ...
Though a high amount of any of these chemicals is likely to indicate the presence of a tumour, they generally tend to have low level of accuracy in predicting the presence of cancers. Tumor markers are best used to track recovery or recurrence in patients already diagnosed with a known cancer...
Hemoglobin is a protein molecule of RBC that provides oxygen to the tissues. Read the article mentioned below.
What does the basophil count in a blood test mean? While abnormal basophil levels often don't cause specific symptoms, they can sometimes indicate an underlying health condition. It's important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the cause. You can get two different counts i...
ANC is calculated by multiplying the total WBC count...Read full What does the ANC test indicate? Answer. The ANC test assesses the body’s capability to fight infection. It is defined as the parameter indicat...Read full What does a high ANC mean? Answer. A high ANC signifies a high...
What does leukopenia indicate? Leukopenia is acondition where a person has a reduced number of white blood cells. This increases their risk of infections. A person's blood is made up of many different types of blood cells. White blood cells, also known as leukocytes, help to fight off infe...
What does it mean if your full blood count is abnormal? Abnormal red blood cell, hemoglobin, or hematocrit levels may indicateanemia, iron deficiency, or heart disease. Low white cell count may indicate an autoimmune disorder, bone marrow disorder, or cancer. High white cell count may indicate...
Is there a blood test for Chagas disease? What does a high eosinophil count indicate? What type of microorganism causes HIV infection? Identify the symptom that indicates a chronic case of viral hepatitis. What are the types of viral disease?