遂行左乳癌改良根治术及腋窝淋巴结清扫术,术后病理检查结果为左乳浸润性导管癌,伴腋窝淋巴结4/16枚阳性,ER(+),PR(+),HER-2(+++),Ki67指数50%。该患者的TNM和临床分期为 A. T2N1M0,ⅡB期 B. T2N2M0,ⅡB期 C. T2N1M0,ⅢA期 D. T2N2M0,ⅢA期 E. T1N2M0,ⅢA期 查看完整题目与...
The re-expression of embryonic cardiac genes also does not necessarily mean that the CMs can undergo cell cycle like embryonic or neonatal CMs do. It is therefore debatable whether CMs in the myocardial pathologies mentioned above are really dedifferentiated to their immature cell stages, or simply...
In humans, it is estimated that almost a third of mRNAs are controlled by miRNAs. In fact, this is a complex network of interactions where one miRNA may bind to as much as 200 targets, and a single gene can be regulated by various miRNAs [42,43]. Rarely does a miRNA activate mRNA ...
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