What is a hairline fracture of the rib? What is a humerus lesion? What is an incomplete rib cartilage fracture? What is a fibula plateau fracture? What is the sacrum connected to? What usually accompanies a fracture of the femur?
In the vast majority of cases, this type of breakage is just a minor event (a “hairline” fracture has occurred). After the tooth has been removed, the dentist will simply compress the empty socket so the bone is squished back into place. The fracture can be expected to heal, uneventfu...
In medical terminology, a crack is often referred to as a hairline fracture, which is still a type of fracture but indicates only a slight break in the bone. Conversely, fractures can range from simple ones, where the bone remains aligned, to compound fractures, where the bone pierces the ...
A simple zygomatic fracture is a hairline break in the zygoma, or cheekbone. Complex fractures may include the cheekbone and part of the orbit of the eye. If the fracture has caused a piece of the cheekbone to move or become displaced, plastic surgery may be needed to restore the pieces ...
With four dead and a mess at Altamont, Rolling Stone tries to get to the bottom of what really happened at the festival.
Hairline cracks that can be visualized but produce no symptoms are often just tooth enamel craze lines that require no attention other than being monitored by your dentist over time. (Abbott 2009) The textbook by Rosenstiel states that hairline cracks not subject to excessive loading (i.e. heavi...
What does the humerus bone look like? What is a bone island in the sacrum? What is a coccyx fracture? What is a hairline fracture of the rib? What is a distal humerus fracture? Where is the top of the hip bone? What kind of bone is the ilium? What type of bone are the tibia ...
Usually, feathers in diamonds will take on a whitish or translucent appearance(imagine a hairline crack within the crystalline structure of the stone). However, they can also exist in other forms of coloration like black or brown. When shopping for a diamond ring, most people are concerned abou...
Stress FractureA hairline crack or fracture can develop in the heel bone, also known as the calcaneus. It’s usually the result of overuse or an event in which the heel is crushed under the weight of the body (like a fall from a height). Calcaneal stress fractures are rare and account...
You may notice swelling on your dog’s leg in addition to limping. In some cases, your dog may suffer a fracture at the site of the diseased bone. Bone cancer can usually be seen on an X-ray. Biopsies or an aspirate of the site may be required to diagnose the issue. Your vet can...