Whilehorsetail is an herb that does contain silica, it can not compare to the power of the mighty bamboo. ... I suspect that horsetail secured its place as a high-quality plant source of silica because nutritional benefits bamboo silica is still considered a little known secret. ...
Two step process; germinate in the baggy and then plant. Stratifying in the Freezer Lots of people try to stratify seed in the freezer – it does not work because such low temperatures do not add chilling hours. Freezing can also damage some seed. Double Dormancy Double dormancy is a term...
not mulch. We aren’t planning to plant more in the area so I am so very not interested in mulch as it does eventually break down. The pine bark is much more long lasting. Powerful we have become. It took 20 bags, but its done, and it will be done for a long time. Hello low...
You know nothing, like my heart, here you can pull it, like my eyes, just pluck them like a daisy, yes you can take anything you want now and devour them like the wolves that you are, but soon maybe sooner than soon, maybe even now, you might pass a tall and beautiful flower tha...
What does chicory coffee look like? Chicory roots are white to cream carrot-shaped taproots that look like parsnip. Chicory coffee looks just like regular coffee: a dark-colored brew with pleasant bitter and earthy flavor notes. Different roast levels, different brewing times and the ratio of ...
Their tendency to choose particular plant is not determined by their sense but by their past experiences. Cabbage butterflies fancy eating mustard-oil-rich plants and there is a reason for it. The mustard oil has an extremely bad taste so much so that even predators like birds would not dare...
Fall might seem like the end of the gardening season, but it’s actually the perfect time to plan for a breathtaking spring garden! Planting spring-blooming bulbs in the fall gives them the cold dormancy they need to thrive when the weather warms up. Here are the best bulbs to plant in...
(Primula) is a good choice for an early nectar plant, while yarrow (Achillea millefolium) blooms throughout the summer. Keep in mind that some important nectar producing perennials are considered weeds, like aster, thistle, goldenrod and dandelion, and are routinely mowed or sprayed. Knowing how...
Lake Ontario does not freeze in a typical winter, although shore ice may extend well out into the lake (i.e., 0.5 mile or more) during the dead of winter. Large numbers (hundreds and sometimes >1,000) of the following species can be observed from shoreline overlooks: common goldeneye, ...