a. Graph the function f(x) = 1/x. What symmetry does the graph have? b. Show that f is its own inverse. (a) What is a one-to-one function? How can you tell if a function is one-to-one by looking at its graph? (b) If f is a one-...
If so, determine whether the function is one-to-one. How to determine if a graph represents a function. What would a graph with the function f(x)= 1/x look like? Give an example of an even function whose graph does not contai...
Now consider the ellipse graphed below: This graph does not show a function, because any number of vertical lines will intersect this oval twice. For instance, they-axis intersects (crosses) the line twice. What's a quick way to determine if it's a function or not?
Grapher will check your function carefully for syntax errors. If it finds one it points out the approximate location of the error; the actual error is usually connected with the value or symbol just before the error pointer. If an error does get by these checks and is caught when the funct...
So what does change demand? The shape and position of the demand curve can be affected by several factors. Rising incomes tend to increase demand for normal economic goods, as people are willing to spend more. The availability of close substitute products that compete with a given economic good...
Write an equation for the polynomial graphed below. f(x) Identify the polynomial function with its graph. The graphs are labeled (a) through (h). f (x) = x4 + 2x3 What are the zeros of the graph whose equation is y = x^2 - 4x - 12?
How does 3D work? The term 3D most often refers to the following three different visual experiences: Human perception of reality Human eyes observe the three spatial dimensions of reality, including the third dimension of depth, through depth perception. Depth perception relies on stereoscopic vision...
What can you not tell from a boxplot? A boxplot doesn’t show the exact shape of the data distribution (like detailed peaks or data skews in the distribution), individual data points or the total number of data points in a data set. Boxplots also don’t always show the mean and mod...
Does kanban have sprints?No. Sprints are time blocks commonly used in Scrum. Kanban functions without time-based blocks as it is a project-based methodology. You would only use a Sprint function with Kanban if you were combining it with Scrum in a Scrumban (see explanation of Scrumban ...
In the equation Y = 13X + 38, where Y is a function of X: A. Y is the independent variable. B. 38 is a variable. C. the slope of the line is 38. D. None of the above. How does the appearance of positive slope differ from negative slope and from zero slope?