Healthy nails should not want to leave you gasping for air when you give them a sniff. How Do You Keep Your Toenails Healthy? If you want to avoid nail fungus and infections, there are some methods of toenail care to keep them healthy. Clean your toenails and use a foot brush to help...
Toenail fungus is more likely to cause thickening of the toenail and a buildup of material underneath it. Melanoma causes the skin of the nailbed to change color, which does not happen with toenail fungus, but it can be difficult to see. Because melanoma can be very aggressive, it’s imp...
The chic one: you are classic and confident, know what you like, and no one can change your mind. You also want to avoid being bothered by chipped nails. This is my choice amidst all toenail colors all year-’round! French manicure A classic French manicure reveals a glamorously conservat...
Smokingcan increase your risk of developing plaque psoriasis and also can increase how severe your plaque psoriasis can become. What does plaque psoriasis look like? The areas or patches of plaque psoriasis can be: small or large red scaly, which is a silvery white color thickened and raised h...
Scissors (do not attempt to double up as toenail clippers) Baking tray Oven gloves Tupperware container(s) Washing up liquid and sponge Recipe book Snacks (going to university without biscuits is like going to Barbados without a sunhat)
Now you have a balance. The life of the bush is protected frommost, but its life is extended tosomeas a food source. No one can know why God works the way God does, but this theory is the best we can come up with using our very limited human minds. ...
Check with your doctor about how long and how often you should soak. You may need to do it just once for an ingrown toenail, or every day if you have arthritis pain. If you don't want -- or need -- to soak your whole body, you can use Epsom salts to create a compress. Dissolv...
Here’s some cold hard reality that you probably won’t believe until you get onstage yourself and for 3-5 minutes the audience you are trying to perform for does nothing but look at you like you have a horn growing out of your forehead… ...
Fungi that cause yeast infections,athlete’s foot, andtoenail infections Parasites that can causehead lice,body lice, orscabies Viruses that cause shingles, herpes, andwarts Some of the same preventive steps that can lower your risk of a staph infection, including keeping your hands and body cle...
David Mccullough is dead, and I don’t feel so good myself My podcast has launched!Get the backstoryat my newsletterandfind the first three episodes here. On Coping: an essay on my father’s last rites On Browsing: a new letter