Current Account: Example Let's take a closer look at a current account example. For instance, let's imagine that you manage imports and exports for a small country in Europe. The prime minister of your country wants to have a positive current account. She reinforces the importance of ...
They may both be bank accounts but there are big differences between a current account and a savings account. Imagine a current account as being like a motorway. Your money can travel swiftly through a current account. For example, your wages come in from your employer and can then travel o...
The current account of a country may be in the positive (surplus) or in the negative (deficit). If the exports are more than the imports, the current account will be in the surplus. If the country imports than it exports, the current account will be in the positive. Current account of...
What does the term 'account' mean?Accounting Terminology:Accounting terminology is the collection of terms used in accounting. This helps to understand the concept and the meaning of the terms that are used in accounting.Answer and Explanation: ...
请问下,What is the current account balance of a nation with a government budget deficit of128 billion,private saving of 806 billion,and domestic capital formation of$777 billion? 答案 1280亿美元政府预算赤字,8060亿美元私人储蓄,国内资本组成7770亿美元,这个国家的现金帐户余额是多少?会翻译,不会算,你...
a. Of what is the current account generally composed? b. Of what is the capital account generally composed? Balance of Payment: Balance of payment has a record of monetary transactions that take place between the residents of the country with the rest of...
A country has a current account ___ if it is spending more on goods and services than the value of the what it is producing.<br/> A、surplus<br/> B、deficit<br/> C、balance<br/> D、unbalance
The current account is a component of a country's balance of payments that tracks the flow of goods, services, income, and transfers between residents of the country and the rest of the world over a specific period, typically a year.
What does accountability mean?Why is it relevant to us?Different people have different opinions to it. For this particular question I have collected the opinions from the following people:KC K who is an assistant product manager gave his answers as follows,In my humble opinion,Accoun...
A positive current account balance indicates that the nation is a net lender to the rest of the world, while a negative current account balance indicates that it is a net borrower. A current account surplus increases a nation's net foreign assets by the amount of the surplus, while a curre...