What instruments are used in Celtic music? What is kinship by marriage? Where is Gaelic spoken in Scotland? What is matrilineal kinship? What is consanguineal kinship? What does the Knights Templar's cross mean? How old is the Gaelic language?
What does Abrahamic religion mean? What is the main religion in Ukraine? What religion is the Celtic cross? What is tribal theology? What is the Druze religion? What religion did the Blackfoot tribe follow? What are the polytheistic religions?
This observance originated as a winter solstice festival and celebrated a time of resting and gathering fertility for a new round of sowing and reaping. The Celtic rituals merged easily with the Christian celebration of the birth of Jesus. Farm workers were usually paid for their year’s labor ...
Are you facing a challenge? The 'Path Through Adversity' tarot reading helps you find your way through the clouds to greener pastures ahead. Or it may warn of potential pitfalls... start this reading TAROT READING The Tree of Life Second in popularity only to the classic Celtic Cross tarot...
Are you facing a challenge? The 'Path Through Adversity' tarot reading helps you find your way through the clouds to greener pastures ahead. Or it may warn of potential pitfalls... start this reading TAROT READING The Tree of Life Second in popularity only to the classic Celtic Cross tarot...
Samhain, pronounced [sah-win ] is an ancientCelticharvest festival in celebration of the beginning of winter and a new year. It was celebrated by the ancient Celtic inhabitants of the British Isles on or around November 1, which the Celts considered the start of winter and the year. Some ...
What Does “Mayday!” Mean? Here’s a fun fact: The term “Mayday!” is not related to the “May Day” spring festival, but instead comes from the French phrase “M’aidez!,”which means “Help me!” If you hear“Mayday!” repeated three times, realize that it is an urgent distres...
Skeptical? Think about this: if God calls the worldly, sinning believers in Corinth "saints"—and He does in 1 Corinthians 1:2—couldn't He also call you a saint? Friend, anyone who trusts in Christ alone for salvation is a saint in God's sight. All Saints Day's Relation to ...
When you think about biker rings, you might think of a symbol of power and privilege. But what does each one actually symbolise? In this article, we will take a closer look at the meanings behind different types of them. From Viking warrior symbolism to Celtic knot-tying tips, read on ...
“When a candidate for public office faces the voters he does not face men of sense; he faces a mob of men whose chief distinguishing mark is the fact that they are quite incapable of weighing ideas, or even of comprehending any save the most elemental — men whose whole thinking is done...