What is a Cello? The cello is the largest fiddle, with about one octave less range than the viola. It was originally called the 'viola da braccio' and it was developed as a bass instrument for orchestras. It's still used in orchestras today, but you can also see cellos used for fol...
Lucy Kalantari’s 12-year-old son, Darius, plays cello on the album. Legend also brought his kids into the recording studio. “Luna and Miles have never sung on a record before,” he says. “It was fun to be there for their first time, teaching them how to sing into the mic, how...
This has me beat: I can’t find a mention in the composer’s catalogue of any Vespers setting. But there they are on YouTube – aVespers forSt.Markfrom which comes the well-knownBeatus virsetting; and aVespers for theBlessedVirginwith a friendlyDominead adiuvandum. You can get a recordi...
“Sorry Ma’am, we are not at liberty to say.” The blond said in a buttery British baritone. “Oh, I see,” she said with a wink in her voice. “If you did tell me you would have to kill me. Just like in a James Bond movie.” ...
is instantly recognizable the band talking about the take they just played) is a clever device that helps keep this looseness present and dominant throughout even the most complex songs, though Paparazzi’s yeah-I-can-sing-but-I’m-not-going-to-exert-myself delivery does a lot of the work...
My uncle has a ukulele that I’ve always wanted to learn to play. Maybe I could teach myself from YouTube. I know it sounds boring, but I really would enjoy clearing out the stuff we don’t use from all of the closets in my house. Maybe I could get through some or all of the...
tone mellow, but a slight brightness. The tenor was "cello like" which is common with the best pianos. It was a powerful tenor and bass. The mid treble was softer but singing, the upper treble had a surprising sustain, not a mechanical sound at all. The action unfortunately was r...
He spent the last 70 years of his life in Switzerland and became a citizen of that country. I'll file this under Switzerland. Is the music swiss ? What does swiss music sound like anyway? Well, there is no influence (folk tunes or rythms) from Poland or the Ukraine for one thing. ...
but when you walk out and that’s the message, it’s harmful.” He thinks for a second. “And also, why would I be invested in Ricky Gervais’s idea of trans people? Creatively, why would I care? And why does he think that people would give a fuck? That doesn’t sound interestin...
Or in a string quartet you got the violin and the cello and whatever and and and they’re all answering to one another. And that processes is carrying on. [75m58s] So that it seems to me that that that art is, to my mind, a certain way of corresponding with the world, of ...