What does queer mean now? The word "queer" has undergone quite a few evolutions. That's the nature of language: Words change meaning over time, and slang words have specific meanings to specific communities, said Cheng. Mashable Top Stories ...
When an officer assumes command of a company, there is a complete inventory of all equipment, material, weapons, and vehicles, everything in the company that does not breathe and eat. When that officer leaves that command, another inventory is conducted, and if there are any items missing, ...
Looking back, it’s much more than the received image of berets, goatee beards, hepcat slang, and hard drugs. Bebop was about freedom of expression and escaping the harmonic and melodic restraints imposed by the old musical order – and, thanks to what is bebop music’s lasting legacy, th...
What does that mean ? Here, the writer replaces certain parts of a text, especially long phrases, by shorter expressions or even single words (do and so) in order to shorten the text, to avoid unnecessary repetitions and to make the text more economic. The difference between the two words...
Actual medical-school teaching does not tell you this at all. It’s all about getting your diagnoses and treatment plans worked out on some purely rational entirely scientific plan. TheHousefantasy of how medicine works (I think; never watched it.) ...
The host often implies a person or organization that invites guests for an event or provides a platform, like a TV host. Hold does not imply an invitation but refers to the act of gripping or having capacity. For instance, one can hold a meeting, which means to contain or conduct it wi...
Your vote:None(To vote, click the pepper. Vote howvulgarthe word is – not how mean it is.) Least vulgar Most vulgar Where is this slang used? Link to this slang definition To link to this term in a web page or blog, insert the following. ...
1. “Does China even have a soccer team?” 2. “Isn’t Ping Pong (table tennis) the national game in China?” Considering the Chinese football team rarely appeared at any international games but the Ping-Pong team almost included every single medal in every Olympic Ping Pong games, the...
A smoking fireplace Suit The act or an instance of courting a woman; courtship She was inclined to accept his suit. Smoking Symbolizes elegance and formality. At the award ceremony, the tuxedo added to his distinguished look. Suit To meet the requirements of; fit This candidate does not suit...
What does it mean when a message includes the letters AISI or IMHO? AISI stands for “as I see it” and IMHO is shorthand for “in my humble opinion.” Some modest folks will also add FWIW before sharing their opinion, which stands for “ for what it’s worth.” Others express their...