manipulative "gurus" who pretend to be awakened or delude themselves into thinking they are "enlightened." If we know what it means to be spiritually awakened, we will be more discerning about spiritual teachers and better able to distinguish the fake from the authentic. ...
Copper will never rustfor the same reason as bronze — it contains too little iron. Though it will not rust, copper can form a green film, or patina, on its surface over time. However, this patina will not flake the way rust does. ... Many people actually prefer the look of oxidized...
What Does Spiritually Have to Do With It?FitzsimmonsDymally, Donna
A group of ducks can be calleda raft of ducks, a team of ducks, or a paddling of ducks. ... Most duck species are monogamous for breeding season but they do not mate for life. What does seeing a dead duck mean? If you describe someone or something as a dead duck, you areemphasiz...
One without a second. Out of himself he brought forth the cosmos And entered into everything in it. There is nothing that does not come from him. Of everything he is the innermost Self. He is the truth; he is the Self supreme. ...
spiritually dead heart. Faith without works is dead because it does not reveal the transforming work of the Holy Spirit manifested in the fruit of righteousness in a person’s life (Ephesians 5:8-10;Philippians 1:9-11). (excerpt by Joel Ryan,"What Does James 2:26 Mean by 'Faith ...
What does it mean for a blue jay to fly around you or land on you? If the blue jay appears to fly around you that can suggest that you need to care for others more. The advice here is to perhaps create a schedule in order to connect with the people that you haven’t spoken to ...
Okay, wait a minute. You said we, as Christians, will not receive God’s wrath and judgment because that all went on Christ at the Cross. Yes, I did, but it does not give you the right to be a jerk down here on earth, and we will all stand before Christ’s bema seat, where ...
What does it mean to dream of someone shooting you? I have already run over the most likely people that could have been shot you above, but generally, If someone shot you in the dream this is connected to your relationship with that person or alternatively a target in life. This is abou...
You know the toll it takes mentally, emotionally, financially, spiritually, and physically. It causes stress in your own mind and body as well as in your relationships with friends and family. Cancer treatments can make it hard to do the things you’ve always done as a human being, a ...