Check out her editing profile at to find out about hiring her for your next book project.Christianity / Theology / Angels and Demons / What Do Biblically Accurate Angels Really Look Like?Today on What Does the Bible Say about Keeping Our Physical Body Healthy? What...
Faith is one of those words that is commonly used but not always understood. So, when the Bible uses the word faith, what does it mean? Faith is confidence and trust in who God is and what He says. Editorial Staff ...
What does Isabella mean biblically? Meaning of the name Isabella Derived from the name Isabel, a biblical name from the Hebrew Elisheva, meaning 'God is perfection'or 'God is my oath'. ... The element meaning 'god,' 'el,' has been adpated to 'belle' or 'bella,' meaning 'beautiful...
Someone who does something in a peremptory way does itin a way that shows that they expect to be obeyed immediately. What does August mean biblically? One who is venerable, majestic. What is August born? They tendto be confident, strong, and organized. August babies are either Leos or Vir...
What does it mean to fast? When the Bible refers to fasting, it refers to abstaining from food and drink for a specific period of time (the Day of Atonement establishes the precedent for a 24-hour period). Fasting is designed to humble us and help us draw closer to God. It is not ...
What does it actually mean to be evil? And how do you tell your kids that in the Bible dragons are actually the ?bad guys?? In this episode, Tim and Jon respond to your questions from the first half of the Chaos Dragon series. Thank you to our audience for your incredible questions!
Episode 27 The Bible as Divine Literary Art What does it mean for the Bible to be both divine and a work of literary genius? The Hebrew Bible is a sophisticated piece of literary art that has a theological message, and that message is communicated through a nuanced literary medium. On this...
What does “co-signing a loan for others” mean?The free dictionarygives this succinct definition:“Assuming responsibility for someone else’s payment obligation in the event that that party defaults.” Co-signing: What the Bible Says ...
A rich person asked how to have eternal life. Jesus said sell everything and follow me. (Mark 10: 17-31) Surely Jesus’ point was to love people more than possessions. What does following Jesus mean? When asked what was the greatest commandments, Jesus only said to love God and your ...
Paul David Tripp suggests that if isolation from the culture (rejection) is on one end of the spectrum, and immersion in the culture (assimilation) is on the other end, then Christians can find a biblically-appropriate place between the two. He calls this place, “redemption interaction.” ...