1. What does CDN mean? A content delivery network is a network of interconnected servers and data centers that distribute services to end users. They help improve the quality of streaming by lowering latency hence speeding up your streams and improving their quality. 2. What are the components...
As someone interested in real-time video communications, you may have been wowed by the recent news that Google’s Duo engineering team has developed an audio codec capable of delivering a reasonable facsimile of human speech at 3 kbps. But — for now at least — the codec, dubbed Lyra, ...
It may mean something to those who love Apple products, but some innovations or things that Apple will introduce as innovations are already introduced on the Android side but Apple lovers also love the words used in the launch "most innovative Apple ever" So Ok, Thanks Apple Reply ? Anonymous...
“My server is solid, but only 250 viewers can connect simultaneously, the rest either can’t join, or get stuck with terrible video quality” Such questions have one inquiry in common: How does one choose a correct server? Previouslywe’d already touched on the topic of choosing a server ...
**Choosing the best camera for your documentary does not necessarily mean choosing the "latest greatest". There are plenty of older model cameras that offer beautiful results. What Camera Should I Buy? CHOOSE YOUR SITUATION: Web-only Documentaries ...