2 Corinthians 10:5 tells us that we are to "demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." Here are 6 ways to take your thoughts captive.
The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 10:5 that we are to bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Jesus. This means that we are directly responsible for what we choose to think about and dwell on. This right does not belong to anyone else, including any hypnotist who may want ...
What does 2 Corinthians 5:6 mean? How should Christians live if we are convinced that after we die, we will be resurrected to eternal life? How should it change us to know that we will occupy a future, eternal body which will be free of all the burden and groaning experienced by ...
1. Seek out (James 1:5) and retain the wisdom God is giving you (Proverbs 4:5). 2. Take every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). We don’t allow our minds to wander off. Before allowing thoughts to enter our “command center,” we ensure they ...
But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me was not in vain. On the contrary, I worked harder than any of them, though it was not
It is the most reasonable, and accords with the use of the phrase in Romans 3:5; Galatians 3:15. Meyer, however, explains it to mean "with mere human motives." I have fought with beasts. Not literally, for in that case he would have mentioned it in 2 Corinthians 11. as one of ...
November 5, 2020.Deep down, which would you rather have, your will or Mine? At your core, you are egotistical beyond what your spiritual and natural eyes can see. Coming to grips that I am in control is sometimes hard to accept. Inside, you want your way like a child does . You se...
(2 Corinthians 10:5) We’ve had enough Religious chatter. Let’s let God arise Within us So His enemies That torment our mind Will scatter. (Psalm 68:1) Plug in to God. Charge your heart with His power. Login to His reality. ...
Far be it from You to do according to this thing, to put to death the righteous with the wicked; that it has been—as the righteous so the wicked—far be it from You; does the Judge of all the earth not do justice?”Young's Literal Translation Far be it from Thee to do ...
Pay attention to words and phrases such as enmity (what does that mean?) and“between your seed and her Seed.” Enmity can be interchanged with hostility, antagonism, ill-will, and hatred. As you can see, the Bible in Basic English says there will be a war. When you read that the ...