manipulative "gurus" who pretend to be awakened or delude themselves into thinking they are "enlightened." If we know what it means to be spiritually awakened, we will be more discerning about spiritual teachers and better able to distinguish the fake from the authentic. ...
Copper will never rustfor the same reason as bronze — it contains too little iron. Though it will not rust, copper can form a green film, or patina, on its surface over time. However, this patina will not flake the way rust does. ... Many people actually prefer the look of oxidized...
What does it mean to hear a blue jay? Blue jays mean you need to let your voice be heard. The spiritual symbolism of the blue jay, in my view, is about: letting your voice be heard, assertiveness, determination, and intelligence. These are characteristics that you need to understand if ...
Deep down, you know this. I know this. We all know this. Something about it resonates deep within your bones. “But isn’t Oneness something reserved for the spiritually advanced or elite?” we tend to protest.“Don’t I have to beworthytoearn it?” Spiritual Wanderer Course: Being a...
What does it mean to dream about dying of being shot? When you have a dream a shot wound, then it means a possible conflicting situation you might be going through. The good news is that this will come to an end. If you are the one who shoots back and someone else dies, then it...
spiritually dead heart. Faith without works is dead because it does not reveal the transforming work of the Holy Spirit manifested in the fruit of righteousness in a person’s life (Ephesians 5:8-10;Philippians 1:9-11). (excerpt by Joel Ryan,"What Does James 2:26 Mean by 'Faith ...
What Does Spiritually Have to Do With It?FitzsimmonsDymally, Donna
What does the word decrees mean in the Bible? Decrees cause truths from the Word and the heavenly realm to be manifested in our earthly realm. In Hebrew, decree, means “to divide, separate and destroy.” When we decree for example “I am blessed” (based on Psalm 112:1) we establish...
Success can mean differently to all of us. For some people, it may mean attaining a certain social status in life or fame, and for some, it means being genuinely happy and satisfied even without all those things. So, what does success mean to you?
This doesn’t mean we become cynical and denounce love and relationships completely, but itdoesmean that we becomemore grounded and realistic. In my experience, the more realistic and down-to-earth we are in our relationships, the healthier and stronger they become. ...