《What does he look like ?》 Section A Period 1( 1a-1c) 二、教学设计思路: 1、利用多媒体、图片等帮助学生学习有关描述人物外貌的单词。 2、设置情境,帮助学生通过听说练习学会描述人物外貌的句型。 三、教材分析: (1)、教材内容: 本节课是Go for it七年级下册中Unit7《What does he look like?》...
She is a writer. What does he do?He is a cleaner.He is a taxi driver.He is a football player.She is a policewoman.police officer警察He is a policeman.邮递员postmanfactoryworker工厂工人businessmanbusinesswoman男商人女商人workerfactorypostmanpoliceofficer Words gameLet’s learnLook at these ...
5.WhatdoesSimonthinkofhisjobatthehalfwayhouse? A.A meansofearninghisliving. B.Achancetomakeforeignfriends. C.Aplatformtoimprovehisbaseballskills. D.Anexperienceinfluencinghislifegreatly. 6.WhatcanbelearnedaboutthenovelSunnyside Plaza? A.ItreflectsSimon?sworkingexperience. B.ItsmaincharacterwasbasedonSim...
what though before us what time do you make what time does the sh what to assess what to download new what to eat what type of what u did what value what war is over what was the problem what we do within our what will we see at t what would become of what would you do if ...
Updated on February 5, 2025Sentences It is easy to miss sentence fragments because all a series of words needs is a capital letter at the beginning and ending punctuation, and voilà! It looks like a sentence. Yet, for a sentence to be truly complete, it must contain an independent clause...
Though I like writing to my pen-friend,it takes a lot of time. 虽然我喜欢给笔友写信,但它要耗费我大量时间。 句型21:be going to This afternoon I'm going to buy an English book. 今天下午我要去买本英语书。 句型22:be different from ...
Does, does, doesn't 3. does, It is 4. Do, do, don't 改写后的解析: 该对话涉及对地点、人物和事物的描述。 第一题询问大明湖的位置,使用be动词"is"。 第二题询问朋友是否住在新西兰,使用助动词"does"。 第三题询问几维鸟的外貌,使用助动词"does"。 第四题询问几维鸟的名字是否来自奇异果,使用...
Access Info did baseline research on the legal frameworks within each country. They crafted their own methodology that goes a little further than the Tromsø convention itself does, because some areas, like Article 8, don’t go into much detail: this recommends a ‘quick and inexpensive review...
Look is not only one of the most used words in the English language, it take on more power as phrasal verb. Yana, Tom, and Jay make Look as Phrasal Verb a fun, and worthwhile lesson as Tom tells his psychiatrist the sad tale of Mr. Gerbil. The Transcript My sister let the towel ...
There's a progression of positive things that good copy does for your business: First, it makes an emotional impact on potential clients with words. This emotional impact makes them feel like they can relate to your brand. When they relate, they’ll feel like your brand can solve their pro...