Milky or cloudy pee is usually not much of a concern but it could signal a health condition, such as highly alkaline urine, kidney problems, or an STD. But milky urine also could just mean you're dehydrated or you've been eating a lot of fruits and vegetables. Talk to your doctor if...
What effect does Green Tea have on Urine pH and what importance does this have to osmoregulation and the world at large? Explain what is gastric juice. What can be learned from a urine glucose test? Explain why there is glucose in a person with Type 2 diabetes's urine but not in the ...
Proteinuria: What Does Protein in the Urine Mean, and How Is It Tested? Proteins serve many functions in the body, but when proteins escape into urine, it can be a sign of potential kidney problems. It’s normal to have a small amount of protein in your urine, and temporarily higher le...
A urinalysis reveals that the patient's urine contains glucose, hemoglobin, and white blood cells (pus). Are any of these substances abnormal in urine? Explain. What is a neoplasm of blood cells? A. Hematoma B. Carcinoma of the b...
Fasting Glucose Always in the 90’s: Why You Should Worry DIABETES, PREDIABETES Fasting Glucose Always in the 90’s: Why You Should Worry Is a fasting blood sugar that’s always in the 90 range as good as always in the 80’s or 70’s, or does this mean you’re at higher risk ...
Urine glucose measurements are less reliable than blood glucose measurements and are not used to diagnose diabetes or evaluate treatment for diabetes. They may be used for screening purposes. Testing for ketones is most common in people with type 1 diabetes. Both people with type 1 diabetes and ...
How does sugar get into the blood? How is blood sugar controlled? What does high sugar levels mean? Treating High Sugar Levels How is blood sugar controlled? Glucose can damage the cells in the body if the levels are not kept within a specific range. However, if these levels drop too lo...
Risk of infection related to uncontrolled blood sugar, shown by urine showing3+for sugar, a hemoglobin A1C of8.4mmol/L,and a capillary blood glucose(CBG)level of9.8mmol/L. Risk for unstable blood glucose related to decrease...
A CGM device is used along with a glucose monitor. A sensor is placed in your abdomen or on your arm. You put a transmitter on the sensor to get a reading that shows up on the monitor. You will learn what to do if your level is too high or too low. Write down the times of yo...
Urine tests may also be done to check for signs of infection. A gestational diabetes screen may be done. Your healthcare provider may order either a 1-step or 2-step oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). 1-step OGTT: Your blood sugar level will be tested after you have not eaten for 8...