} 随即想起,以前在不少编程书里经常看到foo、bar这对 couple,一直不知道他们的具体含义,于是默默去 google 搜了一下,发现结果都几有意思。 首先在Quora里发现一位名为Thom Parkin的网友回答: "foo" has been (until very recently) always used as part of a pair (with "bar") when representing arbitrary ...
Public finance includes tax systems, government expenditures, budget procedures,stabilization policiesand instruments, debt issues, and other government concerns. Corporate finance involves managing assets, liabilities, revenues, and debts for businesses. Personal finance defines all financial decisions and acti...
What does N/A mean in programming? N/A has a specific meaning in computer programming. It means "not applicable." It's typically used as a placeholder value when no relevant data can be found or when the answer isn't relevant to what you're trying to do. It's also used in database...
How does a 0% intro APR work? You’ve probably seen the tempting 0 percent introductory APR offers that credit card companies use to attract new cardholders. But what does a 0 percent introductory APR offer really mean? In most cases, a 0 percent intro APR is a special promotional interes...
What does supposed to mean? Supposed to is part of a modal verb phrase meaning expected to or required to. Although suppose to crops up frequently in casual speech and writing, it should not be used in that sense. Suppose (without the d) should only be used as the present tense of the...
解答一 举报 都是一样的意思...有的时候外国人说英语很随意,只要能意思理解就行了..语法不符合规格是家常便饭,嗯,不必太深究了.what is that mean,我也有听过,实际是在说 what's the meaning of that.或者what does that mean.恩. 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析查看解答 更多答案(2) ...
error after deleting a row or a column. Also, if you are specifically referencing cells and want to delete some of them, just delete the cell values. Don’t delete the whole row, and you won’t produce the #REF! error. To locate the #REF! cells on your worksheet, just follow these...
6.What does the professor mean when he says this: A. There are probably many other solar systems very similar to ours. B. Knowledge of our solar system is finally complete. C. New discoveries confirm what most scientists believed about planet formation ...
Part 1: ACE series Control Parameters Tuning 1. Base Parameters 1) Gain:Range: Front/back & Left/Right 40%~400%; Vertical 50%~250% If too large, you will find the...
It follows the same principle mentioned above: Fewer words mean stronger writing. Not only does the active voice sound better, but also it’s easier for your reader to understand because the subject comes first.Whenever you notice a sentence in the passive voice, see if you can reword it ...