Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis can both make your joints hurt, but they are different diseases with different root causes and treatments. OA, the most common type, is caused by wear and tear on your joints. RA is an immune disorder that causes joint inflammation and damage. If you ha...
Rheumatologists can treat more than 100 diseasesof the joints, muscles, and bones. Some of the more common ones are: Rheumatoid arthritis Osteoporosis Tendinitis Fibromyalgia Gout Osteoarthritis Psoriatic arthritis Lupus Back pain Scleroderma Reactive arthritis Myositis Although many doctors who practice rhe...
Different types of doctors specialize in treating different conditions or different parts of the body. Find out about some of the most common medical fields.
Physicians Who Perform Arthrocentesis and Bursal Aspiration Orthopedic surgeons are doctors who specialize in musculoskeletal problems and can perform arthrocentesis and bursal aspirations. Trained rheumatologists, family doctors, internal medicine doctors, and emergency medicine doctors may also perform the ...
How many surgeons, doctors, nurses, technicians and others does it take to provide complete orthopedic care? Quite a few, as it turns out. Whether you're a baby boomer with arthritis, a weekend athlete with a broken leg, a teen with a sports injury or a child with scoliosis, you'll ...
Family doctors:These professionals have a wide range of training that incorporates gynecology, pediatrics, and internal medicine. They emphasize on the provision of long-term care for an individual or family. Gynecologists:They diagnose and treat detrimental disorders associated with the female reproductiv...
(DMARDs). With these medications doctors try to stop arthritis of getting worse. Those are gold salts, sulfasalazine, methotrexate, hydroxychloroquinine, azathioprine and chloroquinine. Corticosteroids can also be used, but there should be a precaution since they give many side effects. Your ...
These findings were never compared to a placebo, however, and a drug approved to treat rheumatoid arthritis has still been shown to be far more effective. More studies need to be performed to prove that chicken collagen is an effective treatment. There are some side effects associated with ...
first child. but I was afraid. I have been to 5 doctors and each one gave me a different diagnosis. My first doctor told me I had sacroiliitis. and after 6 months of medications I went to other doctors who told me I didn't have sacroiliitis, now I'm just looking for an answer...
Why would you see an immunologist? An immunologisttreats health issues brought on by immune system problems. Also known as allergists, immunologists are doctors who diagnose, treat, and work to prevent immune system disorders. You may see an immunologist if you have food or seasonal allergies, ha...