看了《医生的愧于怕》很有感触,书名原文是“What Doctors Feel”,直译过来应该是“医生的感受”,而书中所讲的从刚踏入医学门槛时的彷徨无助、局外人感,到初到临床时的恐惧、羞愧,再到与患者共情、哀恸,甚至愤怒、崩溃,我都有类似的情感体验。 很钦佩作者对医生作为“人... (展开) 2 0回应 明月悠风 202...
What doctors feel: How emotions affect the practice of medicine is a must read for health communication scholars navigating the nuances of patient-provider communication. This seven-chapter book elucidates the emotionally charged medical practice experiences of the author and her colleagues. A story of...
Danielle Ofri’s critically acclaimed book,ÂWhat Doctors Feel, is a look at the emotional side of medicine—the shame, fear, anger, anxiety, empathy, and even love that impact patient care. Contemporary media portrayals of doctors focus on the decision-making and medical...
practice:[名词]医生诊所;律师事务所柯林斯英语释义:A doctor's or lawyer's practice is his or her business, often shared with other doctors or lawyers.注:这里是熟词僻义。 15:52 Karl: I know, I know it sounds unbelievable and faintly ridiculous, but bear with me on this...我知道这听起来...
Wespoketotwodoctors,whoofferedtheirinsightsaboutit. Itispossiblethatyourbodygetsusedtowakingupatacertainpointeachtimeduringyour commute,saidDr.MarcI.Leavey,aprimary-carespecialistinMaryland.Thatholdsespecially trueifyoucommuteatthesametimeeveryday.Thissuggeststhatifyouweretogetonata differenttime,orifthejourney...
when do you clock in when doctors get sick when everything else when everything else when everything is be when everywhere i loo when eyes meet eyes when fashion changes when father when feel lonely when god-fiarinwomen when greed swamps fea when he kissed her li when he loved me when ...
whetdz whether a couple one whether could succeed whether doctors or nu whether electrical co whether happy or frus whether in the car whether it is day and whether or not colour whether or not i have whether or not reinfo whether or not they d whether rich or poor whether success or no...
[有声书] 没有What Doctors Feel那本好看,可能这本的目标人群是医生和医疗体系,强调医生花时间花精力跟病人语言交流的重要性,大部分观点跟强调人与人交流的重要性类似,也可想而知医患交流有时性命攸关,有效交流就更显重要。作为患者,我们或许也需要学会体谅医生会诊的压力(会诊时间之短人数之多信息量之大),普通...
Of all the people I meet during my life, there are a lot of admirable and respectable people such as my parents, doctors and police officers. But the one that I respect most is my English teacher, Lydia. I am deeply impressed by wh...