Male infertility refers to the inability to conceive a child with a known fertile female. Several factors can lead tomale factor infertilitysuch as low sperm production, non moving (non-motile) sperm,abnormal spermand blockages that prevent sperm delivery to the semen. These conditions can result...
You always have the right to refuse treatment. The above information is an educational aid only. It is not intended as medical advice for individual conditions or treatments. Talk to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist before following any medical regimen to see if it is safe and effective for ...
GUAN, BREANNA M.Naturopathic Doctor News & Review
Doctors discovered noncancerous growths in 34-year-old Candace's uterus but then, after further testing, turned their attention to Timothy's fertility. Candace and Timothy Farris, of Gilbert, Arizona, struggled with infertility. ABC "When the doctor said that [Candace's noncancerous growths] ...
When someone is intersex, they might have body differences a doctor could notice at birth or internal differences that could go unnoticed. For example, a baby might have a larger than usual clitoris, no vaginal opening, a very small penis, or other features that doctors sometimes refer to as...
When should I call my doctor? You have a fever. Your symptoms do not go away or get worse, even after treatment. You have bleeding or pain during sex. You or your female partner may be pregnant. You have questions or concerns about your condition or care. ...
In many cases, your primary care physician or another doctor you see regularly (such as a gynecologist) will refer you to a urologist. They may recommend you see a urologist because you: Notice blood in your urine Havepainwhen you urinate ...
For some couples, getting pregnant happens quickly and even unexpectedly. But for most, it takes several months of trying before they see a positive pregnancy test. Research shows that over Read more >> Burnout & Male Fertility: Can Work Stress Lower Your Sperm Count?
Discover the risk factors and causes of male infertility. Visit Male Fertility Specialists™ in San Diego, California for male infertility care!
“Infertility, Male” [Mesh] OR “spermiotoxicity” [tiab] OR “reproductive disease “[tiab] OR “ reproductive toxicity” [tiab] OR “testosterone” [MeSH Terms] OR “testosterone” [tiab] OR “testis” [MeSH Terms] OR “testis” [tiab] OR “spermatozoa” [MeSH Terms] OR “...