What do officers say when arresting someone? Usually, a police officer will say something along the lines of,"You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to an attorney and if you cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed for you. If you waive these rights and talk to...
We do not have to be afraid of what others will say or do. The gifts that you have are unlike anyone else’s in the world. With this in mind, lack of motivation can cause you to reduce yourself to someone else’s standards when you know you are better. Grow to be the best person...
Even the best camera needs a good photographer behind it to take the best possible images. Whether you're a budding photo pro, an ardent hobbyist, or just someone who wants to take great photos at family gatherings, it pays to know the core fundamentals of photography. So make sure the ...
Say you are looking out your window one day, and you see someone break a window in the house across the street and climb inside. Thinking a burglary is occurring, you call the police who soon arrive and drag the suspect out of the house at gun point. The suspected burglar has no ident...
“You Or Someone Like You.” The fragrance came into being when Etienne de Swardt, founder of Etat Libre d’Orange read the novel and called Chandler Burr to ask if he could make a perfume based on the book he had so loved. He wanted to base the perfume on the setting, Los Angles,...
not interested in gramm ar rules. 2 、Th e ivilization o f Gree e and the glory o f Roman ar hite ture are so m arvelou s and rem arkable that they should be des ribed at least in a brief a ount; however, what the student ould do was only one single utteran e :whoa !”...
When the brothers first crossed paths on-screen in Season 2, Episode 17 ("Say Her Real Name"), Jay still resented his older brother for neglecting his family. Over time, the brothers were able to clear the air. Jay grew very protective of Will, always stepping up to his defense when ...
Do you like traveling by bus? Well, not really, ‘cause the bus in my hometown is always crowded, especially during summer. We are jammed together like sardines in a can, you know. When I’m on the bus, I could smell the sweat of the person next to me, it’s just terrible. ...
Do not disclose personal information when called by someone you do not know. They might be checking out the residence for possible robbery or other crime. If the caller asks what number they have called, do not give it. Instead, ask them to tell you what number they dialed. ...
I want to tell you what I see coming. I've been lucky enough to be working on AI for almost 15 years now. Back when I started, to describe it as fringe would be an understatement. Researchers would say, no, no, we're only working on machine learning, because working on AI was se...