My top 6 Pokemon games in order are: 1. Platinum 2. BW2 3. HGSS 4. BW 5. Emerald 6. FRLG 6 is pretty firmly FRLG. 2-5 are a bit more fluid. But 1 has been...
Pokemon Emerald: Went to start a new game, forgot I had a save file already. But it's at Slateport which is probably why I stopped playing to begin with. Nincada, Shroomish, Mudkip, Zubat, Aron. FFTA: The interminable grind sessions continue. I need one more nu mou still, and I thi...
The Eevee starter allows you to pretty much establish multiple Pokemon Insurgence best team compositions. That’s because Eevee in this game can evolve into seven different types. It pretty much stands out as any Pokemon team from any game. Rotom When you do have an Eevee as your starter, y... Tags AI chat/AI workforce/Content creation/Generative AI/Natural Language Processing (NLP) Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Pinterest Reddit What...
Generation III – Strongest Pokemon Generation III had a lot of variations to the Pokémon we could catch, including the Legendries. Still, we will stick to Pokémon Emerald as it is the definitive one. The strongest Pokémon, well, you guessed it, it’s Rayquaza. The Legendary space dragon...
Early-game mons especially need good moves because you don't get good TMs until later. It also needs to outspeed wild Pokemon so it can run away (Trapinch and Slugma were soooooo painful in Emerald), and outspeeding trainer mons isn't bad either. There's a lot of mons that fit this...
Cut is a very useful move that can be also obtained throughcheatsorfinding the item on its location. Regarding learnset, Kartana is the only Pokemon that can learn cut by leveling up while most Pokemon can have cut by HM. Kartana is found only in Generation VII. ...
Edit: I just realize that I didn't really put in my special memories about Pokemon, I was just reminiscing on it. Ignore this if you want to. Pokemon, Pokemon, Pokemon... Oh boy do I have some memories with those Pokemans indeed. Even though I'm out of my "Pokemon ...
Emerald jewel on the top. They were beauties. My mom let me try them on in my size. They were so fabulous. Jewelry for feet. And then she said, “I think we should get these.” I couldn’t.even.believe it. I flipped one over. They were $76. $76 for a pair of shoes for a...
Autonomy: Allow learners the option to interact with either the game play, game content or both to maximize the benefits of MMO inclusion. Assessment Designs: These must focus on the broader learning parameters such as critical thinking, problem solving, concept linking, resource garnering, reflecti...