Verify your URL and try again","pageNotFound.title":"Access Denied","pageNotFound.message":"You do not have access to this area of the community or it doesn't exist","eventAttending.title":"Responded as Attending","eventAttending.message":"You'll be notified when there's new activity and...
It might not necessarily have been Syene, but that would just mean that Syene would have been substituted by this other town in Eratosthenes’s account. On the other hand, it was fortunate that the Nile ran from South to North, so that distances between towns were a good proxy for the ...
Also, the acronym OSE has several meanings within Microsoft. Please clarify what you mean by OSE Standing by, Microsoft CSP Licensing Concierge HelloJennie_Maier Thank you for your patience. Starting with Configuration Manager version 2303 MicrosoftEndpoint Configuration Manageris nowMicros...
You’d just be multiplying the pixels of the color alpha channel with the value of scrollbar-opacity. Once you have the calculated opacity for each pixel, whatever was behind it in the z axis would be revealed to that degree for that pixel. And presumably the thumb would be in front of...
You can hide elements with “opacity: 0;” for design creativity, but this may confuse users if you don’t implement it carefully. For example, users could accidentally click a fully transparent button and go to a page they didn’t mean to. ...
Well, that depends on who you ask. For educators, as a term,critical thinkingis similar to words likedemocracy, global,andorganic:You hear people use them all the time, but no one seems to understand exactly what they mean. This kind of etymological opacity lends itself to them being misus...
Just because you can work with the native H.264 camera files, or with H.264 proxies, doesn't always mean you should. Historically, this adage has helped me and others work reliably with NLEs, in general. Personally, I avoid H.264 altogether in my workflow as I do not conside...
The min number is a great example of what I call the “so far” number. What I mean is as you traverse the list and examine each number you store what the min number is “so far.” public static int GetMaxSeqDiff(int[] nums) ...
It might not necessarily have been Syene, but that would just mean that Syene would have been substituted by this other town in Eratosthenes’s account. On the other hand, it was fortunate that the Nile ran from South to North, so that distances between towns were a good proxy for the ...
Wdstk61 If you mean the logical function IF() and the comparison operator > then this could be: =IF(A3>TIME(11,59,0),100,-100) A3 contains a time value. If you mean the logical function IF() and the comparison operator > then this could be: ...