正确答案:The U.S.’s high level of oil production and less import. 解析:由题干关键词“the second paragraph”定位到第二段。该段的数据分为两个方面,一方面表明了美国石油产量的上升,另一方面表明了美国石油进口量的下降,因此The U.S.’s high level of oil production and less import为答案。 知识模...
butstudentsmustbereadytocompleteshortinclasswritingsortestsdrawndirectlyfrom assignedreadingsornotesfromthepreviousclass? lecture/discussion,soitisimportanttotakecarefulnotesduringclass.Additionally,fromtimeto timeIwillassigngroupworktobecompletedin classorshortassignmentsto becompleted at home,bothofwhichwillbegraded....
Training teachers to teach statistics: What can we learn from research?Carmen BataneroCarmen Diaz
In my opinion, those elements of violence could have some bad influences on people, especially children and then contribute to the violence in society. Considering all those elements, in order to provide a better environment for ...
What do we learn from a recent report? The statistics in manufacturing are staggering. Despite the widespread fears about trade, a recent report showed that just 13 percent of jobs lost in manufacturing are due to trade—the rest of the losses have been due to advances in technology....
1、english academic writing for graduate studentsunit fourmethodology descriptionunit four to learn to describe research methodology; to understand the importance of passive voice in academic writing; to make proper use of sequential markers in writing a process; to acquire the skills in designing a ...
Predictive analytics is the art of using historical & current data to make projections about what might happen in the future. Learn more for your business.
Troublesome Concepts in Statistics: A Student Perspective on What They Are and How to Learn Them. Proc. Assessment in Science Teaching and Learning Symposium, University of Sydney, Australia, pp. 9–15. http://science.uniserve.edu.au... Dan,Cernusca,Ghulam,... - 《Transportation Research Rec...
“What is important in kindergarten, but you don't always see, is that playful learning is happening,” she says. “When children are sitting at desks all day and doing things like worksheets, it doesn't really connect with what we know about the brain and how children's brains learn.”...
3.Language is learned in small bits,so try to establish a regular schedule for studying and then stick to it.You achieve little by occasional cramming;after all,you didn’t learn your native language all at once.In fact,it took you quite a while to master all its intricacies, so give ...