And what about Translation Management Systems? Or software localization, AI localization, globalization, internationalization, etc. We are talking about an industry with tons of complicated questions and not a whole lot of answers. Developing a strong localization strategy is crucial to navigate these ...
At the localization World conference in Berlin in June 2007,I had some interesting discussions with different people starting around the book The Tip-aping point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference by Malcolm Gladwell and the question "Has the localization industry reached the tipping ...
If you’re new to localization, you may not know all the terms used in the business (the language services industry does love to make things complicated). Luckily, our #l10n glossary can help give you a quick overview of the most commonly used terms to help you get started. Here are th...
As you continue to do your research regarding different cultures and GILT, you may come across different references to globalization, the process of internationalization and localization—otherwise known as g11n, i18n and l10n, respectively. These abbreviations use the first and last letter of each w...
The Azure network connection tab has a new health check: Localization language package readiness. This health check verifies that the operating system and Microsoft 365 language packages can install. It also makes sure that the localization package download link is reachable. For more information, see...
When it comes to supporting multiple languages, Andy says you'll want to consider language translation, localization and how to distribute course files.
Internationalization and localization are both product strategies used in globalizing industries. Examples of globalization Multinational corporations are a tangible example of globalization. Some examples include the following: McDonald'shad more than 40,000 fast-food restaurants in 118 countries and territor...
Think about localization If your business operates in different countries, think about registering domains to sell domain names with local extensions. For instance, if you’re expanding into Canada, registering “” along with your main “.com” domain can help you connect better wit...
On the other hand, only the top players do professional localization. Localizing increases your chances of reaching more markets than competitors in your industry are. Build a good brand reputation and loyalty. Multinational businesses sometimes make serious gaffes when they try to market in regions ...
And more, depending on your industry. We are generally talking about content that you have to continually update and/or improve. Now, the thing is that handling such a task without the right tools is cumbersome at best. You need a solution that can bring both the localization and engineering...