第五版L1 - Grammar Focus - Would 3200:51 第五版L1 - What time does it start? 4400:46 第五版L1 - Listening - The perfect date 2602:55 第五版L1 - Pronunciation - Intonation questions 3200:30 第五版L1 - What kind of music do you like? 2400:55 第五版L1 - with 用法 1701:02 第...
斯科特,你的广播节目在几点? From twelve o'clock at night to six o'clock in the morning.从晚上十二点到早上六点。 What time do you usually get up?你通常几点起床? At eight thirty at night.晚上八点半。 Then I ...
Grammar 语法 At early 20s 20岁 Self-control 自控力 Oppose 不赞同以上内容来自专辑 雅思口语新周刊 English Podcast 3475.31万25.11万免费订阅 Part3 Why do we need to learn a foreign language? 843204:27 Part3 What do you think the ideal age for learning a foreign language? 808304:27 雅思口语第...
For example, the vowels o + u make an ow sound. The word proud has two vowels but only one syllable. How do you count syllables? There are different ways to figure out how many syllables a word has. Some of these techniques will come naturally to you, and others may not be as ...
教学内容:Grammar time, Sound time and Song time Step 1 Free talk Talk about the day, date and weather. Step 2 Grammar time 1. What was the weather like yesterday? It was…(进入Grammar time ) 2. What did you / he/ she do yesterday? 总结过去式。 3. Find out the past form in ...
If you round your lips, you make more of an “o” sound. When you change the position of your tongue, those sounds change as well. Congratulations—you’re making different vowels! As soon as you restrict or close your airflow, you start making a consonant. For example, if you bring ...
Sometimes they look and sound identical but are derived from completely different roots. The two senses ofriddlethat we identified at the beginning of this post are just such a case. The verb that means “to pierce something with many holes” or “completely pervade something” comes to us fr...
P332336. Why Do You Hate Studying English Learn How to Love Your Journey to Fluency 01:29 P333337. 4 Ways to Improve Your English Fluency Without Grammar + Lessons with iTalk 05:55 P334338. 3 Ways to Sound More Like a Native Speaker Go Natural English 07:50 P335339. 5 Things Successf...
3. Assimilation: Assimilation refers to the change of a sound as a result of the influence of an adjacent sound, which is more specifically called “contact” or “contiguous” assimilation.4. Dissimilation: Dissimilation refers to the influence exercised by one sound...
Teachers may want to do this step ahead of time Roll both dice. The die with the number 1 in the corners is the beginning sound, and the die with the number 2 in the corners is the end sound. Decide if the word that you rolled is a real word or a nonsense word, and write it ...