Full control, including when to apply upgrades Ultimate configurability and tuning at the database and OS level Any extensions and versions Highest performance and lowest 3rd party cost Need infrastructure DBAs Need 24 x 7 monitoring You are responsible for configuration and day to day...
The history of lectins really changed in 1989, when it was first discoveredthat some of these indigestible proteins are instead permeating through the gut walland then having free reign to run wild in your blood stream. They can then deposit themselves in distant organs (12) (13). That may...
Are people engaged? Are we building capabilities and talent? Are people seamlessly using the technology, tools, and products being developed? In our experience, the perfect is the enemy of good when managing change. Examples of companies doing digital transformation well ...
Now, here’s the thing: if you love and have found benefit in the idea of having a twin flame, that’s wonderful. You do you. I’m not here to try to change your mind becauseI trust in your abilityto make the right decisions for your own life. Hopefully, something I wrote about ...
And John Avocado’s advice for a first project is: do not make a scarf. If you decide to make a scarf for your first project, there’s a good chance that the main outcome of this project will be that you will hate knitting. This is because there are only two types of scarf: (a...
I say no as I always do as I know it won’t just be cuddles & also I know if he cuddles me, I will cry. I don’t want to cry. This man isn’t my partner as I’ve said before, I don’t want him to cuddle me in bed. Friends don’t do that, especially when I know he...
When Christianity came to dominate the Roman Empire, the process of depersonalization was retarded by the power of the Christian religious intuition -- the force of a Jewish God whose personality spilled from Biblical pages in a flood, together with the unimpeachable personality of a man who wal...
Do whatever necessary to protect your sleep rhythms. It heals you. Don’t forgive people to make them feel better. Do it simply to liberate yourself. Cut yourself some slack when parenting. The things that scarred you are not the same things that will scar your children. Stop trying to ex...
certitud:a feeling of being certai;a thing about which you are certain conjectur:a conclusion that is based on information that is not certain or complete contentio:a belief or an opinion that you expres,especially in an argument counse:( formal )advise sb.to do sth. crav:have a ...
Whats the need to exterminate 1 percent of ur pops. They are as good as not being there, anyway. So it’s cool if the Hindu majority harasses it’s minorities because it beats genocide. I guess we should look the other way when cowardly Hindu thugs beat up a street hawker h...