I agree. I'm 15 years old and still suck my thumb. I've been doing it since before I was born! I just recently decided to look it up online. It seems I've uncovered quite the support group. It's funny, I didn't even know one existed. Thanks for sharing your stories! teehee:...
* Register or Login (Get credit for your great comments) cancel Send Required fields are marked * 3 Dorotka May 20, 2023 at 5:02 AM UNREGISTERED The Real Has Come It's now clearer why Grandma insists on having Sejin as her secretary... and it is a reason I totally didn't thi...
Sometimes, it’s nice to have a fictitious conversation with someone where you get to call out their response as odd. The delightfully quirky audio clip from Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland (2010) provides the foundation to do just that. In the film, there is a conversation between Alice...
If you don’t have any siblings with children, it’s still possible to be an honorary aunt to your friends’ kids. You just have to show up with arms ready for hugging, ears ready for listening, and a heart ready to play. For the parents, you can be an extra set of hands, respit...
答案:正确答案: Grammar or Grandma The picture depicts a scene where a... AI智答 联系客服周一至周五 08:30-18:00 剩余次数:0 Hello, 有问题你可_
Actually, she was the youngest sibling so I’m guessing it was connected with having older siblings bossing her around all the time. However, nowadays, according to numerous studies, mostly in the UK, kids aspire to celebrity. It doesn’t seem to matter what field of study will lead to ...
It was a very complicated relationship, like siblings. I can do that to them, but nobody else can. During final six, we saw you bring on Teeny, and the target completely shifted to Rachel. That’s a big shift. If you hadn’t won immunity and Rachel didn’t have an idol, do you...
Why do Amish people call their language “Dutch? It’s not what they speak in Holland. True. Pennsylvania Dutch is not the Dutch spoken in the Netherlands, though you may have heard Amish people describing what they speak as “Dutch”. ...
Parents repress all those times they punished you unfairly, because they can't or won't believe that they could ever be so cruel to their child. To you, it's so many incidents of unfair treatment that permanently scar your psyche. But to your siblings, it was a random number of ...
We all crave a place to belong and somewhere we can call home. You start to find your place in this big, new world. I became more independent, I created a new routine, and I found new things to get excited about — I started to find myself. ...