As any surfer already knows, waves are what it's all about. Here we discover just what types of waves there are out there. One of the things that make surfing so much of a challenge is that every wave is different. Which wave have you been surfing lately? Types of Surf Break The th...
im allergic to the ca im already locked int im alrightim alrighti im always chasing rai im an optimist im blue im boarding with a fr im coming up im considering buying im drowning in my mis im fed up with all cy im feeling like a dog im fine too im fine lets just go im freaking...
what we have already what will be the heig what will become of y what with what would it what would you say if what you bought yeste what you don t do for what you get what you just cant hi what you need what you see is what what you see is what what you wont do for what ...
Use Cases and the Future of WavesSome of the use cases which are being built or are already in production:Tokenomica –A transparent venture capital organization. Upcoin –A political engagement initiative. ZrCoin –A green manufacturing technology business. MobileGo –A marketing drive for a ...
If we already have the hypothesis , then by applying it at scale instead of we conclude a lower bound on the volume occupied by fat tubes: Since , this morally tells us that the typical multiplicity of the fat tubes is ; a typical point in should belong to about fat tubes. Now, ...
This estimate is similar in spirit to the algebra estimates already in my paper, but unfortunately does not seem to follow immediately from these estimates as written, and so one has to repeat the somewhat lengthy decompositions and case checkings used to prove these estimates. We do this ...
滚滚长江东逝水,浪花淘尽英雄.是非成败转头空.青山依旧在,几度夕阳红.白发渔樵江渚上,惯看秋月春风.一壶浊酒喜相逢.古今多少事,都付笑谈中.(英文翻译)Long River with rolling waves flows towards the eastern direction without turning back,So many heroes pass away like rolling and flying spinddriff ,spoo...
You may already know that hurricanes are storms that can cause devastating(毁灭性的) waves,wind,and rain.They happen during“Hurricane Season,”which is from June 1st until November 30th in the Atlantic Ocean and from May 15th until November 30th in the Pacific Ocean. Categories(类别)of ...
“If you coat it with clear water, it will soak that instead of absorbing damaging chlorine or salt.” Lasso the Power of the Sun If you’ve ever sat under the dryer for 30 minutes at the salon while good-for-you ingredients soaked into your hair, you know how heat helps a deep con...
(what wethinka signal may look like) before,"LIGO writes."If you don't know what you're looking for, it's really hard to find it. While this makes searching for burst gravitational waves difficult, detecting them has the greatest potential to reveal revolutionary information about the ...