While women need some testosterone, high testosterone in women is a concern for a variety of reasons, such as its connection to PCOS, adrenal issues, and other health conditions, as well as its potential to cause symptoms like irregular menstrual cycles, acne, and fertility challenges. For wome...
Testosterone; GOOD HEALTH;What Does It Do to a Body?
Testosterone function On average, the testosterone levels of men are seven to eight times greater than women. Because of this, we’ll typically carry more muscle mass, speak with deeper voices, have higher bone density and grow thick hair on our faces. Men are also likely to be naturally st...
Zeifman and colleagues in this Special Issue found that high levels of infant crying can trigger increases in testosterone in men, which is accompanied by less sensitive caregiving. Some interpret males' lack of sensitive caregiving as neglectful, but these results could be considered as ...
There’s nothing you can do about increasing your sensitivity to testosterone once you’ve left the womb. Based on your androgen sensitivity, you may need more or less circulating testosterone in your blood to get the benefits of T and to feel vital and healthy. You might have what’s ...
The inclusion of sex as a biological variable in research is absolutely essential for improving our understanding of disease mechanisms contributing to risk and resilience. Studies focusing on examining sex differences have demonstrated across many level
Vasectomy is a simpler, safer, and more effective procedure than tubal ligation for women. In addition, it is also cheaper and, for all this, it is the preferred option among couples who do not wish to have more children. Vasectomy also does not influence a man's sexuality or masculinity...
your child's body.Puberty in girlsis driven by estrogen, produced in greater amounts by the ovaries in response to pituitary hormones. In boys, the testes produce more testosterone in response to pituitary stimulation. A failure anywhere in this chain will cause a delay in the onset of ...
Aromatization of testosterone to estradiol occurs in primates, including humans, but does not necessarily have a major role in masculinization of the primate brain. Instead, both testicular production of testosterone and intact androgen receptors are necessary to defeminize the human brain as evidenced...
If you have ever been concerned about your penis size, you're not alone. The size of the male sex organ has long been thought to be an indicator of a person's testosterone levels and sexual abilities. But this is a myth. Many people wish their penises were larger when in reality they...